
August 1, 2010

Activate your fat-burning hormones

Weight loss 101: Be a clean eater! In the fight against belly fat, some foods are simply better than others. Protein, for example, raises your metabolism more than carbohydrate; other foods like Oolong tea are thermogenic, which means you actually burn calories after consuming them, and then there are the fats. While all contain the same number of calories (nine per gram), some build belly fat and others fight it – Kathy Emiko.

You started a diet, and sure, the pounds melts away for a week or two; but then the scale gets stuck or worse still, the indicator creeps upwards. If that sounds familiar, you are like as many as 95% of women who struggle with typical slimming programmes. The problem, from findings of a new research, is the woman’s metabolic hormones make-up that keep her in fat-strong mode no matter how disciplined she is.


Columbia University Medical Centre has confirmed that dieting can cause levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone (leptin) to drop, leading to intense hunger and re-building weight gain. It can also lead to increased production of the notorious stress hormones known as Cortisol, which make one feel ravenous.

SOLUTION: After testing different women’s hormonal levels in saliva, blood and urine, women’s eating pattern and personality traits were put together and after analyzing the results, the women fell into one of three metabolic hormone types:

1. Sugar burner = 45%

2. Muscle Burner = 5%

3. Mixed Burner = 50%


1. You are a sugar burner if carbohydrate-laden foods make you feel tired and sluggish almost immediately after you finish eating.

2. Despite feeling bad after eating sugar-rich carbohydrate, you get intense craving for more and tend to think about food a lot.

3. When it comes to sweets, you favour rich options like chocolate and ice-cream.

4. Protein-rich foods (like meat, chicken and eggs) satisfy your hunger and provide you with lasting energy.

5. You have always struggled with weight. You likely have 15kg to lose (mostly around your belly, butt, thighs and hips) giving you a pear-shaped appearance.

6. Your extra fat tends to be solid and jiggly.

7. You tend to become irritable, shaky and light-headed if you miss a meal.


Sugar-regulating insulin is prone to imbalances. Some women are genetically prone to this; others shift into the category after having a baby. To regulate insulin and optimize fat burn, enjoy a diet of 50% fibre_rich vegetables and fruits; 40% lean protein and 10% starchy carbohydrate like yam and rice.


Vinegar (Apple Cider) slows food exit from stomach and decreases insulin-releasing effects of a meal by up to 34%. This helps sugar burner become fuller, faster and stay fuller, longer.

Cayenne stimulates the body’s metabolic rate and helps clean fat out of the arteries. It is also a pain killer (especially against the discomfort of arthritis). Please make sure it is the organic cayenne.

ADVICE: A bottle of “BODY PERFECT HEALING AND CLEANSING COCKTAIL” will supply you the real cayenne and Apple Cider Vinegar you need to fight hunger and fat.

CINNAMON: It balances insulin and speeds the metabolic process of sugar burners. This simultaneously revs fat burning genes and turns off fat_storing genes. (Also in the “CLEANSING AND HEALING COCKTAIL”).


Tired? Achy? Cranky? You might just need a glass of water.


SYMPTOMS: Weight gain, brain fog, fatigue. Aspartame, the major sweetener used in most diet soda’s leaches water out of tissues. It is well established that caffeinated beverages can have a diuretic effect; but diet soda packs double effect. Aspartame works like a magnet on water molecules, drawing fluid from bodily cells.

The resulting dehydration can trigger brain fog, fatigue and metabolic disturbances that lead to weight gain.


For detox solutions, Oolong tea and Oolong tea diet, Body Perfect Cleansing and Healing Cocktail, call:

Lagos: 08034545819, Port Harcourt: 08033099204, Enugu: 08037090382, Benin: 07042740993.

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