
August 24, 2010

Tripplesea reassures on warranty of UPS products

Frontliners in Uninterruptible Power Supply, (UPS) in the Computer Village Ikeja, Tripplesea Limited has assured its growing customers on one-year warranty package on any of its products including inverter batteries, Bluegate Online UPS which have continued to attract patronage from the Nigerian IT market.

The company’s products, certified by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), according to the General Manager of hardware solutions provider,  Mr. Godson Osita, are very reliable because of its ruggedness.

While expressing optimism on the growth of the Computer Village market that has continued to attract patronage from the rest of West Africa, he assured that Tripplesea has the capacity to support the market with state-of-the-art Blue Gate range of products, especially rugged power back-ups that can withstand the tough operating Nigerian environment occasioned by epileptic power supply by the service provider.

According to him, Bluegate on-line UPS were designed to supply puresine wave electrical current to highly sensitive equipment that does not allow fluctuation whatsoever in its power supply, adding “Bluegate on line UPS has become an industrial house hold name in various sector of the economy such as radio stations, Entertainmnet industry (Film/audio production studio), medical sector(hospital theaters equipment, intensive care unit equipment),information technology sector(Computer data centre, Network installations), Art sector, Cinema and digital photography studios., he explained.

“Our inverter battery is an alternative. Tripplesea took it upon itself  to focus on  inverter battery as many users including financial institutions, oil companies, among others have attested to long life features of the product. It is noise free. Using inverter battery is an alternative to generator,” he said.

According to him, the  product has many features including very long interruptible backup time, rugged components, afford ability, two year full warranty irrespective of point of purchase, among others, adding  that Tripplesea has  after sales support division  managed by skilled engineers.

In accordance with the Blue Gate UPS standard, Osita noted that with its rugged nature,  the brand is largely ideal for computers, television sets, Compact Discs (CD), Digital Video Display (DVD), VDCs, musical equipment, public address systems, hospital equipment to name a few.

“We also have Blue Gate range of Liquefied Crystal Display (LCD) and CRT monitors certified by SON,” he said, adding that the product has many features including  very sleek, rugged, 100 per cent dot less and multimedia. According to him, Bluegate  on-line UPS are designed to supply puresine  wave  electrical current to highly sensitive equipment that does not allow fluctuation whatsoever in its power supply.

“Bluegate on line UPS has become an industrial house hold name in various sector of the economy such as radio stations, Entertainmnet industry (Film/audio production studio), medical sector(hospital theaters equipment, intensive care unit equipment),information technology sector(Computer data centre, Network installations), Art sector, Cinema and digital photography studios., he explained.

Before now, Computer Village Ikeja   has continued to grow from strenght to strength to international market attracting patronage from the West African sub-regions including Togo, Ghana, Benin Republic, Cameroun, among others.

Part of the reasons for the high patronage of the products from the Computer Village is as a result of the fact that most low scale businesses like business centres, law firms, advertising agencies, small manufacturing outfits cannot afford the prices of branded products whose pricing were designed for multinationals.

It would be recalled that relocation of the Computer Village  has continued to be an issue of serious concern as a result of different interest groups making case for the market to be relocated to a place of the their choice.

But the decision, accordin to keen observers,  lies in the ICT traders to either relocate the market to Gumm Land, where majority of vendors are building Tech Park and Katangowa where the state government has approved  as a new site.