
August 1, 2010

Two deputy governors share their survival formula


A few women like these two political gladiators, make the womenfolk in this country proud. In a political environment where many governors are at loggerheads with their deputies, these two women have held their own as deputies governor in Osun and Lagos state respectively. Here, they share their survival and staying formula in government.


What has sustained me in power as a deputy is the fact that I have a very good leader. I have a team leader, I have a leader that gives opportunities for each person according to their capacity and ability and he is always there to offer advice that is what has helped me. And the support of my family of course my husband and my children for being understanding that even when mummy is out there they continue to pray and to persevere. For other women, there are challenges but they can overcome it through trust in the Almighty God, through being themselves. You don’t have to do what others do. If you must do what others do, you have to do it well far above how they do it. And don’t allow the challenges of womanhood hinder you–the home front, the society. Don’t listen to discouragement. Forge ahead and look up to God to help you


It has to be interest in what you do. You also have to be well motivated because you believe in what you are doing and so that gets you up everyday to keep going and to give of your very best. I mean I enjoy what I do so that is the staying power really and of course the grace of God for giving me the energy to keep going.

Well, mutual understanding, mutual respect believing in the same things, what you want to achieve in the state and what you want to do for people and if you both share that commitment to the people that you are serving I don’t think there will be any problem. And then of course, the grace of God that is the most important thing and the grace of God that lives in our lives in my state, in the governor and myself. The fear of God that also very essential