Soul Kate

September 17, 2011

Power and money…

By Kate Henshaw-Nuttal
When I was approached to write this article, I did not think I could do it. My first attempt to write anything was at the behest of my sister’s friend, Nonye, to write for a free paper Wakapedia. I wrote on fitness. I was asked to come up with a name for this column and I hooked up with two good friends: Folake and Funke.

We kept vigil for three days and nights before the light bulb went off in Folake’s brain and she whispered it… but Funke echoed/shouted it out and the name SOULKATE was born! Sorry folks, I tweaked it a bit, (laugh out loud). It took only a few minutes for the name to be born and so here I am.

Now that I have hit the limelight so to speak, now that I have the power of the pen as they say it is mightier than the sword, will I wield it against all those who have sought my downfall in the past or will I use it to correct the ills in our society and contribute my own quota towards making Nigeria a better place for us all to inhabit? Time will tell.

Power they say corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Why does having power and money translate to lording it over the other who does not have? Why does it translate to the ‘money-less’ and powerless feeling the full weight of brutality and uncaring attitude from the powerful?

In a marriage where two have sworn before God and man that they will love and cherish, honour and protect through sickness and health, be there for each other, how bad does it get that those vows just don’t mean a thing anymore? Surely if it is not working out, they split the union without fear or favour and without rancour.

If the husband has the power over the wife as the head of the home and she has to submit to his will, why then will he not use that power for good and not evil? I believe it is unfair not to allow your wife/spouse to explore her own dreams, if she wants to (for those who would rather stay home and then have tea at cactus by noon time every day, I say good luck). She too needs to be fulfilled apart from being a wife and mother, maybe, she wants to fly over the moon, who knows.

A single mother also faces challenges in that she is alone without the “support” of a stable man whom she can call hers; she also wants to provide for herself and her child without having to compromise. Here comes the one she thinks will be there for her and her child, but he has another at home who has borne him children.

He has the power and the money to give you that ‘castle in the air’ but you must be subject to his rules and regulations, nothing goes for nothing , no visitors to the house (whether male or female), no outings unless you have given three weeks notice, while he does as he pleases, and this is meant to be love?

In the work place it is no different, power holds sway here and you must ‘bend’ to the rules or be shown the door. You must let your oga fondle you whenever he so wishes or be relegated to the filing section. You must be willing to do the unthinkable just to show you are worthy of the position you got. If per chance a woman with beauty, brains and brawn gets to the pinnacle of success in her career, her own power is attributed to her backside.

Why must there always be a Sword of Damocles hanging over one when you do not have power and money? Proverbs 3:27, says “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it”. Having power and money, and using it for a greater good will make the world a much better place for all, it would rid the world of evil and heal the pains that so many go through on daily . It would bring blessings untold to the giver and succour to the receiver. Power is also transient and can at anytime be taken away by Him who has the real power, God Almighty.

I dedicate this article to these two wonderful women (Christy Essiens Igbokwe and Titilayo Arowolo), both married, both had children, one the husband loved till death and the other the husband caused the death. I pray their gentle souls rest in perfect peace. Amen.

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