
August 21, 2015

Ahmadiyya broods on global unrest

By Ishola Balogun

In view of the spread of terrorism in some parts of the world and the spiral effect of poverty in Nigeria and other African countries, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is currently discussing ways in which nations and Muslim individuals can effectively tackle terrorism and the scourge of poverty ravaging some nations in the world. 

The leader of Nigeria delegation to the annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Dr. Mashuud Fashola disclosed that the members of the Jamaat world-over were compiling notes on ways of tackling these common problems. 

Dr Fashola stated that at the end of the convention currently holding in London, the Jammat will come out with possible solution to the two hydraheaded challenges of terrorism and poverty. 

“We are compiling notes on how to bring peace to the world, spread the Jamaat and reduce poverty. In the world today, there is conflict and there is need to ensure peace in the world.

“The Jamaat wants to reach out to the world in order to stop the problem of poverty and terrorism.

“We want people to know that corruption will not do anybody any good, but rather staltifies growth and breeds conflict in the world. So, our aim is to ensure peace in the world.

Earlier, speaking during a tabligh session on ‘how to effectively project the true Islamic teachings as a source of peace to all mankind’, Dr. Fashola highlighted three points in raising a good family. 

“The impact of a virtuous woman is very important as she will be able to raise a good family. The parents again must be very close to their children in order to successfully nurture them to the part of righteousness. Thirdly, they must be cautious of the environment which can have negative effect on the upbringing of a child.”

He advised all Ahmadis to consider these factors in their efforts toward self reformation. 

Again, Dr Saheed Timehin who is the head of tabligh in Nigeria, in his presentation of the situation in Nigeria, sought the visitation of the Khalifa and the Ahmadiyya world leader to the country, explaining that the visit would engender a huge spiritual benefits.

Timehin stated that Ahmadiyya in Nigeria has good relationship with the media adding that the healthy relationship has helped tremendously in spreading the message of the Khalifa across the length and breath of the country.

Delegation across the world took their turn to make presentation on the activities of the Jamaat in their various countries. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is present in over 206 countries in the world.

Prominent among countries that presented papers were Canada starting with over 11,500 members, have done over 150 messages in the spread of Islam as well as over 410 tabligh stalls. New Zealand, Mauritus Gambia were also

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