
October 30, 2018

Bauchi CSOs charge electorate to demand for water, sanitation services

Bauchi CSOs charge electorate to demand for water, sanitation services

By Charles Agwam – Bauchi

A coalition of Bauchi based Civil Society Organizations, Network for Water and Sanitation in Nigeria (NEWSAN), in collaboration with WaterAid, has charged Bauchi electorate to request for sanitation services from aspiring political office holders in the state as against the usual monetary and material inducements they collect from politicians.

In a programme tagged “Citizens’ Manifesto” and “Vote4WASH”, the state coordinator for Bauchi, Mrs. Maryam Iliya, on Tuesday, charged electorate to demand for water, good sanitation and hygiene through their votes, by making political office holders sign a pledge card, with which they can hold political office holders accountable, if they eventually win.

Mrs. Iliya noted that by making political office holders sign the pledge card, political office holders will be more committed to keeping to the promises they made during campaigns.

“If you commit politicians through the pledge card, they will be forced to keep their promises because they know can’t ask for your votes again if they fail to keep the former ones.

“Women are put at risk of physical attacks and sexual violence when the travel long distances to get water or look for a place to pee or poo.

“Providing universal access to clean water,decent toilets and good hygiene services will help people overcome poverty and ensure that no mother or child dies a preventable death” she said.

Reacting, the leader of persons living with disability, Umar Umar demanded that politicians work inline with the state’s WASH policy and sector roadmap

According to Umar, “Political office holders must work to reduce barriers for the poorest, most marginalized and un-served in using and accessing water supply, sanitation and hygiene services in Bauchi state”

Highlights of the programme include; drama, sensitization walk, lectures amongst others.