
November 7, 2018

SHOCKING! The UGLY Truth About Body Pains & Arthritis Your Doctor is Hiding From You!

SHOCKING! The UGLY Truth About Body Pains & Arthritis Your Doctor is Hiding From You!

Dr. Adeola ‘Mo Yusuf

Dear Friend Living With Body Pains Or Arthritis .

  • Do you suffer from EXCRUCIATING body pains?

  • Are You In UNEXPLAINABLE Pains Caused by Arthritis?

  • Are You Willing to Say GOODBYE to you Bone Crushing, Teeth Gnashing Arthritis Pain, Without Spending Your Life Savings.

Ready To Be FREE of Pains & Annoying Bodily Aches Without Spending Thousand’s of Naira on a physiotherapist?

If your answer was a RESOUNDING “YES” then I advice you to read this article to the very end now.

Before I go on, I want to asking you something……

Do you remember back when you didn’t have arthritis…how free you could walk… you could hold things, do things ON YOUR OWN  without going through all those annoying pain you CURRENTLY pass through now?

Why Did I Say So?

This is Because, after reading this article, you’ll discover exactly how to easily return to that arthritis-free person you were some few years or months back.


Let’s be candid…Arthritis can be very painful and ANNOYINGwe know that already.

It’s so painful?

I don’t even pray for it for even MY ENEMY to Have It!”

That’s why I’m  creating this AWARENESS  to let those who have been in this kind of pains for people like you,  who are ready to listen to me.

However, one thing you may not know is this.

If you have arthritis or Body pains now…or you know someone who does….and  you are not taking  ANY serious steps to deal with it once and for all right now then you are playing with a fire that you might fine hard to quench.

My name is Dr. Adeola Mo Yusuf

I’m a  UK based Medical specialist who specializes in providing awareness for those Herbal therapy for those who have Severe body pain and Arthritis.

My case was a very STRANGE Case

At the age of 16 I have started dealing with arthritis which always comes with her twins sister…..EXCRUCIATING BODY PAINS!

My teenage life was a Horror Movie!

I could barely play with my peers because I’m always in pain, this made me a fragile person so no one want’s to play with me!

I had two old relatives with SEVERE arthritis, one basically died form Arthritis…..How Did It Happen??

The Poor Old Woman Couldn’t Endure the Pain!

What Of The Second One?

The other one is lying HELPLESSLY in the village right now…deformed an condemned to the Wheelchair for life with no hope of redemption from the clutches of arthritis.

DEFINITELY This Will NOT  Your Portion!

Only if you DO something about it without JUST saying AMEEN in vain. Even the Holy books said, heaven help those who help themselves.

Not only that, even if you are doing something about it but you are not taking the right medications…which is very very likely…then you are also taking a HUGE risk.

I was basically living my life in pains until the Good lord revealed a very RARE herbal therapy that took away the pain for good.

Before I tell about HOW I discovered the Therapy that cured my Arthritis let me firstly, let me educate you.

So What Causes EXTREME Body Pain?

Do You have body pain?

Do You Always feel frustrated because of the chronic pains all over your body?

Here’s the Truth About Body pain You Don’t Know!

The common causes of body pain are usually , stress,tension,  overuse and minor injuries. … Systemic muscle pain — pain throughout your whole body — is more often the result of an infection, a brewing illness or a side effect of a medication you usually take.

What Causes Back Pains?

Do you know that repeated lifting of heavy things or a sudden awkward movement strain your back muscles and spinal ligaments?

If you’re also in poor physical condition and you constant strain on your back, it also causes painful muscle spasms. All of these will RUPTURE your disks which acts as a cushions between the bones in your spine!

These pains usually RADIATES from your bone then EXTENDS to your MUSCLES, then signals are sent to your nerves”

That’s  basically how general body pain is caused.

Why Is Arthritis Such a PAINFUL Diseases?

You see, apart from the pain you feel now, whenever you walk or stand or lie down, depending on the kind of arthritis you have, something absolutely dangerous is happening in that place you are feeling that pain.

Your bones are hard. And because of how hard they are, they are separated by “natural cushions”  which are designed NEVER to touch each other.

But the moment you get arthritis, immediately, they get softer and softer, till they  start touching each other!

Right now, that “cushion” between your bones have become old with age, so whenever you get those pains what is actually happening is that your bones are TORCHING  DIRECTLY against each other. And when I say grind…I mean TORCHING EACH OTHER!!!

This is EXACTLY Why You Feel So Much Pain.

As the bones grinds and grinds against each other it will slowly begin to crush itself to pieces.

Gradually…over time…the crushed bone will become useless.

And This Is Why You See Someone, After Having Arthritis For Sometime, Will Become Deformed, or Crippled, or Limp, Or Not Being Able To Walk Well Or Even Hold Things”

For some people their arthritis is caused when their body keeps sending chemicals as strong as acids  and it then attack it own bones!

These chemicals then slowly..slowly EATS UP  your bones….Causing you horrible PAINS that makes your unhappy and bitter.  

I’m very sure what’s on your mind is….

How can you STOP Your Chronic Body Pain OR Arthritis?

I’ll be very HONEST with you because I know you must have spent a lot of money on this painful matter…

I Have BOTH Good News and Bad News for You!

Here’s The Bad News!”

If your Arthritis is VERY VERY critical like the one below, there is NO “CURE” for Your Arthritis! All you NEED is a very solid solution that will HELP you REDUCE the pain and MANAGE what is left of your bone.

There is Good News!”

If you know you type of Arthritis is such that’s still DEVELOPING, if it’s still “coming” and ‘going’, then there might be a working “CURE” for you!

If you have CHRONIC body pains all over your body, and you have tried all sort of drugs like ostio, tramadol, or agbo jedi jedi YET nothing to write home about, a permanent cure for your horrible body pain have been discovered

But does this mean that you will have to keep going through that horrifying pain forever?

How a Special Oil Found in Small Village Located on the Mountain In Outskirt Of Beijing China Saved Me From Being Crippled By Arthritis!”

“My friend, all those Oyinbo drugs will never heal your body pains & arthritis

The solution is a special ointment made of Deer bone that have been working magic over 2,000 yrs for the Chinese People.

The answer is NO – you don’t have to keep having those pains.

A “secret” team of DEDICATED Chinese Scientists have recently  discovered an 100% Natural HERBAL THERAPY with INGREDIENTS only found in rare herbs of the Mount in Beijing.

Unlike the regular drugs your so called doctor gives to  you which are MARE painkillers, this powerful herbal therapy never causes any effects!

I discovered this amazing secret from a family member of mine who resides in the UK who used to suffer from Arthritis and body pain too.

But when he gave this “Body pain Crusher” a try, it all flew away

And the bad thing about pain killers  is that it only stops the pain.

It NEVER solves the problem from the root!

But this RARE herbal therapy , on the other hand, attack the problem from the root.

It goes  straight to the EXACT cause of the pain and SENDS the signal to nerves telling  MR Nerves NOT to ever cause your pain again!

This herbal therapy gradually heals your pains And not only that….they will, immediately, stop your arthritis from developing further and eating up your bones

In Summary?

It stops further “decay” of your bones.

It RAPIDLY starts healing all the painful places so that, with time, the pains will become totally unnoticeable and the swelling will be gone

And it Does all This in 30 days Flat WITHOUT Side Effect!”

In the next 37 days or even less, the effect of this pain eradicating herbal therapy will becomes so noticeable that practically every single pain you are going through right now will be completely eliminated..FOREVER!

  • Now You will be able to finally hold things and walk freely without feeling pain.

  • Now when you walk you will be able to walk straight without limping.

  • Finally those swellings you have will be gone Forever.

  • And all the fear and agony that you go through now because of all those terrible pain will be completely forgotten


Miracle Subtle Oil”

The Amazing Pain Crusher!!!

The BEST Arthritis Ointment in The World!

So What is Miracle Subtle Oil?

Subtle Oil is a  2,000 Yrs Old Arthritis & body Pain Solution, which can only be found inside rural village in Beijing, China.

Subtle Oil contains special  “Antibody” fighting Ingredients such as  Caesalpinia cucullataResina-Draconiss, radix sileris ,  Discorea nip ponica Makino, Kadsura Pepper Stem , menthol , camphor , turpentine oil and most importantly…..

Deer Bone!”

All this above named ingredient contains 100% EFFECTIVE vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid that is clinically proven to help correct arthritis and body ache rapidly.

This makes it the BEST Solution for Arthritis  and Body pain!

Miracle Subtle Oil so RARE and special that, only Rich & Famous people in Ancient China used to used to RELIEVE their Annoying Body pain & Arthritis!

What Makes Miracle Subtle Oil Very Effective?

You see…all the ingredient of the Miracle Subtle Oil are EQUALLY powerful, but…

The Major Ingredient that Makes It Powerful is something called “Deer Bone Extract” which is gotten from the horn of a Deer “Aka Bush Meat”.

What is  Deer Bone Extract & What is It Very Effective?”

Researchers discovered that Deer Bone Extract something powerful called “calcium-phosphate”  and also a smaller amounts of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

It’s composition is similar to that of the human bones! WoW!

That’s why there is a therapeutic effect  of taking deer antler as a source of calcium to help prevent or treat  Arthritis, Ostosis, Body pains etc

Once you use  this AMAZING Oil, it will totally Reliefs You From…

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis, So That You Can Stop Feeling That Excruciating Pain.

  • Back Pains, So That You Can Have Total Freedom!

  • Waist Pains, So That You Can BE Effective in The Oza Room!

  • Joint Pains, So You Can Hold Things Properly!

Truth is, if you use the “Miracle Subtle Oil ” you will never experience pain in your life anymore!

So I bought I got 8 of the ointments at an estimate of N27,000 per one.

Shipping was around N20,000

So I used it as soon as it landed in the country.

At first, I thought it was another scam because it didn’t work well for the first week….

But after using it for two weeks, I saw the Miracle….

  • All My Body Aches was Gone!
  • All My Joint Pain Was a thing of the past!
  • All My Sorrows was Overs!

Trust me, I know how it feels when someone says there is a “cure” for arthritis, but “using is believing”.

After using The Miracle Subtle Oil, you will be free like an eagle!

After using Miracle Subtle Oil, you’ll FEEL like a heavyweight have been lifted away from your head!

“Check Out What Some of the Lucky Few People Who have Used It are Saying!”

Miracle Subtle Oil Made Me A Man Again!

Dear ​Dr. ​Dr. Adeola MO,

I am very excited sending you my Testimony.

I have been suffering for arthritis of the hips for over 12 Yrs, and I have never got a relieve until I came across your write up online.

My Wife and I ordered for the Miracle Subtle Oil

We used if for 30 days although it didn’t happen very fast, but now I ​am free and I don’t fee pain on my hips and lower back.

Now my wife is happy with my “other room” performance.

Thank you for the Amazing “Gift” called Miracle Subtle Oil

Mr Abbey

Yaba, Lagos ​


Miracle Subtle Oil Gave Me Back My Life…

Dear, Dr. Adeola MO,

Well, let me start by telling you that Miracle Subtle Oil gave me back my life.

In 1997 I was Diagnosed of Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis and I spent Millions of Naira to ensure it’s well managed. It got to a stage I had to travel to India to do a Knee Cap replacement.

I Saw an Advert for the Miracle Subtle Oil around July 2018 and i used it for 3 weeks.

Although in the 1 the first week I didn’t see good results, but after using it for good 2 weeks in August I was free from Total Joint Arthritis Pain.

I was able to grip things well and I felt no pain any more.

That’s why I said you gave me back my life.

Thank You Dr. Adeola MO.

Barr. Thomson.

Port Harcourt.

Madam Peju

Osun State

This are real-life testimonies, they are not made up and trust me, we have over 30 testimonies of successful users of this RARE solution.

The question is…will your be among?

Why Did I Say So?

“This is Because There is High Demand for It on Facebook!”

So I have hustle to bring in a limited stock of JUST 30 pcs of this amazing Miracle Subtle Oil of which over 15 is already sold out with crazy demand.

Due to the high demand, we ship out base on a first come first serve bases.

So Are you interested in getting rid of your annoying body pain?

Are you sick and tired of walking around is excruciating pain caused by arthritis and body pain?

Do You Want to Be As Free As a Bird Once Again?

Here’s How to Get the Ultimate Pain Reliving Package That Will Make You Free from All Sort of Body Aches and Arthritis Pain…PERMANENTLY!

All you Need to Do is to the Fast Action oil to Soothe Your Body Pain Almost Instantly!”

With this amazing Miracle Subtle Oil and you are sure of being pain-free forever!

It heals your damaged joints and frees you up from pains FAST so you can return to that happy pain-free person you were before it all started.

I’m sure the question on your mind now is….

How Can I Get The Miracle Subtle Oil?”

You see, the Miracle Subtle Oil is a very really RARE body pain solution, that to even bring it into the country is stressful.

But the good news is I have partnered with reputable Marketing Firm to help with the marketing (Netking Marketing)

But the bad news is that we have just 30 pcs of this solution left, so you’ll have to hurry and order your own package today or risk not getting it at all.

So How Much is it?

Originally a 1 bottles of “Pain Crushing Oil” cost N27,500 per bottle and you’ll need at least 2 bottles for a month treatment, I.e N55,000.

So if you are going to get a one month option, it will cost you:- N49,000 a pulp!

Don’t worry, you won’t be spending that much today like I did!

We are running a 48 hours bonanza to Readers of Vanguard Ng if you are grabbing this offer today here’s what’s in for you!

FREE GIFT #1: I Will USE My Personal Money To Ship TWO Bottles of Subtle Oil to You For FREE (Value 43,000)

You see , it’s “Risky Business” to SEND to you the Miracle Subtle Oil , but we are very WILLING to take that risk to better your health and let you see the powers of the Subtle Oil.

That’s why I have decided to waybill the 2 bottle of the Miracle Subtle Oil with my own personal N5,000!

You’ll Only pay when you see the package!

We are risking way billing goods worth N55,000 PLUS Shipping Free worth N7,500 all JUST for YOU!

Value=> =N= 60,000!

FREE GIFT #2: Free Consultation From Specialist! (=N=25,000 Value)

To further sweeten the offer, I’m giving you a 2nd FREE Gift (worth N45,000).

While you’re trying Subtle Oil ™ for 30 days, Myself and In house members of the Freedom Digest Team Will give you free health consultation so you can ask any question, request about your Arthritis and Body Pain!

Usually this Cost’s N45,000 Per Day, but just for you, we will give you a 24-7 consultation all for free!

Value==> N45,000

FREE GIFT #3 A 4 Weeks Email Series Titled: “Good Bye Pain: How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Live a Life of Total Freedom!

Worth==> =N=25,500.00 value.

You see, as soon as you get hold of your Miracle Subtle Oil place your order for the Subtle Oil, I will automatically be enrolled into our Special VIP Educational Series called “Good Bye to Pain” where I will take you by the hands and reveal natural ways that will SPEED UP the relieve of your annoying Arthritis & body pain issue.

In This Email Series, I Will Take you By The Hand & Show You…

  • How to Use Simple Nigerian Meals to Correct Your Arthritis
  • How to Use Weird But Effective Stretches to Correct Your Joint Pains
  • How to Stay Strong Even in The Midst of Adversity.
  • Why You Must Never Give Up On Crushing Your Arthritis!

By the time you are DONE with this training, You & your family will never FEEL any atom of body pain but rather be happy and joyful for life!

This amazing bonus will also help you speed up the correction of your arthritis so that you can see the effect of the Subtle Oil.

To get this special series, all you need to do is get the Miracle Subtle Oil today and you’ll have INSTANT access to this training or good four weeks!

Value: =N=25,500!

FREE GIFT #4: Instant Access to Our Preferred Customer VIP Club! (Value: N70,000 Per Year)

Once you get the Miracle Subtle Oil, just tell our customer care to add you to the “Preferred Customer Club” & they we add you to a special deal group where we will AUTOMATICALLY ship to you The Miracle Subtle Oil at Massive Discount Price Every Two Months.

It’s totally exclusive, which means NOT Just anyone can join if they don’t buy and RECEIVE the Subtle Oil.

What Will you Gain if You JOIN the or VIP customer club?

You’ll over 50% Discount Offers!

We will PERSONALLY ensure your Arthritis or Body Pain finally goes, without side effects!

We will always Give you V.I.P treatment as our customer!

Value: N70,000!

So What’s the Total Value of Getting Miracle Subtle Oil PLUS The Massive Bonuses?

The Total Value of the Miracle Subtle Oil

Offer is a Whooping N203,000!”

The total value of what you will getting when you buy the Subtle Oil is a whooping =N=N203,000.

So basically you are getting a “treatment” that Normally cost N203,000 Almost for FREE!

And trust me, it’s far more better than spending 2 Million naira on changing your joint or going on an operation.

I Know the Question On Your Mind Now is…

How Much Will The Miracle Subtle Oil Cost You?”

Normally, Subtle Oil costs Over N27,000 per bottle BUY Netking Marketing, the marketing company in charge of marketing and distributing it is doing a NOVEMBER BLACK FRIDAY discount so if you take action right to get the Subtle Oil.

So If You Order For Subtle Oil to day…instead of paying N 27,500 for ONE bottles, you’ll be paying Just….

Hurry Up & Order For Your Miracle Subtle Oil Today

(Option #1: 2 Bottles of Subtle Oil Best As 1 Month Treatment)

Original Price; N55,000

Black Friday Bonanza Price: N17,500 ONLY!!!

This 1 Month treatment Best Suitable Suitable for Developing Body Pain &


Joint Pains


Back Pain

Waist Pain

Wrist Pain

General Body Pains

All it will cost you to get this is JUST a token of N17,500 ONLY.

Just click here to Apply for it…

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==

Remember: Sale’s is Based on a First Come First Serve Basis, So it’s Better you Oder right now or you may lose an opportunity to say goodbye to your arthritis & body pains.

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==

As soon as you apply, our customer care agent will confirm your order get it delivered to you ASAP.

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

Option #2: 4 Bottles of Subtle Oil Best As 2 Month Treatment

This two month Treatment is BEST for Chronic Arthritis & Body Pain. If you battle with Serious arthritis attacks and body pains, then this is exactly what you need.

Original Price; N110,000

Black Friday Price: N35,500 ONLY!

This 2 Month treatment Best Suitable for Chronic Rheumatism Arthritis. So if You Have…..

  • Chronic Joint Pains
  • Serious Rheumatism
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Chronic Waist Pain (lumbar spondylosis)
  • Hips Pains
  • Intense Body Pains
  • Chronic Neck Pain

All it will cost you to get rid of all of these Pains is JUST a token of N35,500 ONLY instead of the original price of N110,000!

If You Want This Offer, Kindly click the link below to fill the application form.

Remember: Sale’s is Based on a First Come First Serve Basis, So it’s Better you Order right now or lose an opportunity to say goodbye to your arthritis & body pains.

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

Now you can see how sweet this offer it?

To further make it sweeter I have good news for you……

“You Are Covered By Dr. Adeola’s Mo No Story, Take It To The Bank 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!”

What Does This Really Means?

This means if you Apply & Use the Miracle Subtle Oil in the next 60 days and you STILL don’t see any IMPROVED results, JUST Reach out to Me & Let me know and I will PAY YOU Your FULL Money Back without any Questioned asked!

How Sweet?

So there you go..…

  • All You NEED to say goodbye to your Arthritis and Body Pain is JUST N17,500 or 35,500 and you can finally kiss arthritis & body Pain Good Bye!
  • All You NEED to END the Uncomfortable Aches and Pain that’s happening to You right now is JUST N18,500 ONLY compared to the various ineffective pain killers!
  • All You NEED to KISS Your Arthritis Pain that has made you a burden to your family members is JUST N18,500..instead of going under the knife or replacing your joint for Millions of Naira or even Dollars.

So Why Not Hurry Up & Apply For The Miracle Subtle Oil Order For The Miracle Subtle Oil Right Way…”

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

  • You’ll have to act fast because the BONANZA will END because and after that, the price will shoot back from N22,500 & N35,000 to the original N56,000 & N112,000 Offer.
  • Don’t Forget we are Giving You Some Super Duper Bonuses Worth N160,000 When You Buy The Miracle Subtle Oil?

Hurry Up & Order For Your Miracle Subtle Oil Today

(Option #1: 2 Bottles of Subtle Oil Best As 1 Month Treatment)

Original Price; N55,000

Black Friday Bonanza Price: N17,500

This 1 Month treatment Best Suitable Suitable for Developing Body Pain & Arthritis…

  • Joint Pains
  • Rheumatism
  • Back Pain
  • Waist Pain
  • Wrist Pain
  • General Body Pains

All it will cost you to get this is JUST a token of N17,500 ONLY.

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

Remember: Sale’s is Based on a First Come First Serve Basis, So it’s Better you Oder right now or lose an opportunity to say goodbye to your arthritis & body pains.

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

Your Details Are Secured & Confidential Shipping is Free.

Option #2: 4 Bottles of Subtle Oil Best As 2 Month Treatment

This two month Treatment is BEST for Chronic Arthritis & Body Pain. If you battle with Serious arthritis attacks and body pains, then this is exactly what you need.

Original Price; N110,000

Black Friday Price: N35,500 ONLY!

This 2 Month treatment Best Suitable for Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis. So if You Have…

  • Chronic Joint Pains
  • Serious Rheumatism
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Chronic Waist Pain (lumbar spondylosis)
  • Hips Pains
  • Intense Body Pains
  • Chronic Neck Pain

All it will cost you to get rid of all of these Pains is JUST a token of N35,500 ONLY instead of the original price of N110,000!

If You Want This Offer, Kindly Fill The Form Below to Apply Below.

Remember: Sale’s is Based on a First Come First Serve Basis, So it’s Better you Order right now or lose an opportunity to say goodbye to your arthritis & body pains.

How To Order RIGHT NOW!

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Firday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

As if that’s NOT Enough….

You See, whether you are suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Body Pain, Joint Pain of all type, and you STILL keep ignoring the pain in the name of being ECONOMIC about spending money, listen to me…

There is Not ECONOMY When it Comes to Arthritis and Body Pain!”

Why Did I Say So?

You see, I have been there too, I was economic, I HATED anything like “Herbal Solution” but when your Pain Becomes so unbearable you WON’T BE Able to Enjoy Life to The Fullest…You Work will Be Affected, Your Relationship and ultimately….your Happiness, all of them will be affected.

Your Arthritis will Start Dislocating the Affected Joints Because Your Bones Will Become Very Stiff, then….

You’ll Spend that Thousands & Millions of Naira On Specialist Consultation & You might Even go under the KNIFE!”

I Don’t WISH For This For You…..

On a final note, it’s advisable to give it a try instead of just continuing to bear the pain as there is no ECONOMY in being in pains!

If you are in pains, your relationships, your joy & Your happiness is in jeopardy, so how much is =N=18,500 compared to your happiness?

No matter what type of pain it is…..

  • Be It Arthritis Pain
  • Be It Back Pain
  • Be It Joint Pain

And as if that’s not enough…check out the following bonus you will get…

==> FREE GIFT #1: I Will USE My Personal Money To Ship TWO Bottles of Subtle Oil to You For FREE (Value 43,000)

==> FREE GIFT #2: Free Consultation From Center From Freedom Digest Health Specialist! (=N=25,000 Value)

==> FREE GIFT #4: Instant Access to Our Preferred Customer VIP Club! (Value: N70,000 Per Year)

==> FREE GIFT #5: A Secret E-Book Bonus For Anyone Who Apply Today! Value: N7,500!

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==


Send the Following Text Via Whatsapp/SMS==>

To Get Your Black Friday Discount, Send==>

**Blackfriday**Your Name**OPTION You Want**Delivery Address**Active Phone Number** to  these Hot lines==>

Hotline => 081-2667-5603

“The Miracle Subtle Oil is the BEST Solution for YOU!”

  • So why not hurry up and apply for the Miracle Subtle Oil?
  • So Why Not Hurry Up to Get The EXACT thing That can Correct All Your Arthritis and Body Pain Issues?
  • So Why Not Invest in The Miracle Subtle Oil So That You Can Actually Get The Freedom You Have Been Wanting?

==>Click Here to Fill The Application Form <==

Take the Smart Decision….Apply For The Miracle Subtle Oil Below. I Can’t Wait to See You On The Other Side of The Page…..

==>Click Here to Apply<==

For MORE Inquiries,

Contact My Sister:

Mary’ Mo Yusuf

Whatsapp or Call: 081-2667-5603

Frequently Asked Questions

Q- Does The Miracle Subtle Oil Really work?

YES! It does, but don’t take our word for it please, read the real testimonies of real people here on and hear what they have to say.

Q- How do I use Miracle Subtle Oil ?

It very simple actually…

When you get your Miracle Subtle Oil, get a warm water then deep in a warm towel into a warm water then use it to Massage the affected part of the Body.

Then rub then Miracle Subtle Oil on the affected part of the body and massage it properly into the skin till it dries.

Q- Does Miracle Subtle Oil Have Any Side Effects ?

Miracle Subtle Oil is made from natural extracts and have no side effects nor cause any harm whatsoever to the human body, as long as you have no allergies to any of the ingredients

Q- For How Long Do I Have to Keep Using Miracle Subtle Oil?

You don’t have to keep buying Miracle Subtle Oil week after week and month after month.

From our experience, the full ‘30 days’ supply is enough and most people begin to get amazing reliefs within a few days of using these amazing Oil. If your pain is such that it’s chronic, then you can go for option #2 which will last for good two months.

Q- Why is Miracle Subtle Oil expensive ?

First, Miracle Subtle Oil is made from real extracts of Deer Bone proven to be a game changer in the medicinal cure for arthritis

Secondly, the miracle subtle oil is not made in Nigeria.

They are made in china and shipped down to Nigeria.

Finally, the yen to Naira exchange rate is another issue that we can do nothing about.

But really, when you compare what you are paying now to what you may pay later when the situation gets worse it you will notice that it is much more cost effective to get it TODAY, so why not act fast and get it now? Instead of paying over 500k on Drugs, hospital bills and if get very wore……Millions of Naira on surgery.

Q- What is The Mode of Payment?

We all know that TRUST is a major issue in Nigeria when it comes to buying goods from an online market, buyers usually don’t want to pay before delivery , But we at Miracle Subtle Oil have a simple payment method called ‘Point Of Delivery’ payment method, which means when you order, we will SHIP your goods then when it arrives you can transfer the money directly to our company account immediately and sign for your goods.

This makes it easier for us to deliver your products better and access funds easily and quickly

But, If you feel you can trust us, you can make a bank transfer immediately and honestly your order would be put 1st before others.

If these answer satisfies you, just click the link below to apply for the Miracle Subtle Oil…

***Option #1: 2 Bottles===> N18,500

***Option #1: 4 Bottles for==> 38,500

==> Click Here to Apply For The Miracle Subtle Oil<==

For MORE Inquiries,

Contact My Sister:

Mary’ Mo Yusuf

Whatsapp or Call: 081-2667-5603

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