
December 20, 2021


Why Okpe should produce the next governor of Delta State

By Allison Abanum

A red ball is unmistakable amongst a stack of white balls. Such theory is universally accepted because of its validity. It’s inherent characteristics a major tool for distinction. From one generation to the other, humanity is graced with the presence of personalities worthy of citing analogies parallel to a distinct red ball amidst white ones. People who stand out amongst a vast majority in character, knowledge and competence. Step forward Chief David Edevbie, three time commissioner of finance in Delta State.

Worthy of induction into the rare breed of technocrats, Mr. Edevbie has indeed paid his dues as an important cog in the mechanics of nation building. Having studiosly applied himself to the pursuit of knolwdge and enlightenment, his journey has seen him submit to learning in some of the world’s renowned citadels like the Harvard and Cardiff buisness schools after a profitable time at the University of Lagos, making him a competent force in economics and finance as tools for national impact.

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Of course like that distinct red ball, his profile has placed him actively in the mix of governance for over 20 years with timely breaks spent even more note worthy on the international scene. Having answered the call to play his part in the development of Delta state in critical moments, Edevbie cemented his place as a renowned technocrat per excellence. Serving as commisoner of finance in multiple and successive administrations and more recently as the immediate past Chief of staff to the incubent governor while also having successful stints in international economics in the Commonwealth Development Commission (CDC)

It is safe to assume that someone with such an impressive profile will at some point entertaining that urge that all impact makers have. A desire to make impact on a greater level and at this point, the Governorship of Delta State is that next platform in view and rightly so.

 These exactly aren’t uncharted waters for Chief Edevbie, as he tested his mettle with the current Governor in the PDP primaries leading to the 2015 elections in Delta State. Coming a close second at the time. Of course it is presumed that the circumstances at the time made sure that his run at the primaries was a viable learning curve which will come in handy this time around.

Obviously well equipped with expertise and experience, he is indeed one personality that fits the billing come 2023. Like most well meaning aspirants to leadership positions, Chief Edevbie has taken his time to try and enumerate some of the excellent plans he has for the State. Ultimately aiming to transform Delta into a national and global developmental beacon through industrialisation and economic re-positioning, leveraging on the great work done by previous administrations of which he had been integral part. In a recently published interview, Chief David Edevbie highlighted a broad spectrum of his plans and blueprint for governing Delta State if given the opportunity. From a neutral stand point, it’s hard not to see the Intelligence, craftsmanship and workability of this blueprint. His offering to Deltans as summarised In the proceeding paragraph.

“Good governance is essentially the efficient management of resources and accountability for the stewardship over those resources in a people-oriented manner. Development is about the people. So, our essential goal will be to factor the people into every government policy.

 I have done some deep thinking and quite a lot of reading to conceptualise how Delta State can be developed. I took time to read the development aspirations that drove some of the regions in Nigeria in the 1960s” 

“I discovered that similar aspirations took Singapore to the league of developed nations. Similar aspirations took Malaysia and Indonesia close to the margins of developed nations. I have worked in all three countries and others that are popularly referred to as Asian Tigers. But the case of Nigeria has been arrested development. I have also looked at contemporary global reality and how the world is changing regarding knowledge and technology-driven tendencies.

 A perfect blending of the past with the realities of today is what Delta State needs from 2023″

A parallel drawn with countries like Singapore and indonesia shows someone of immense critical thinking whilst stil in touch with reality. His creative idea to lure in foreign investment is eye catching and is aimed at drawing in funds to tap into the vast human and natural resources available in Delta state and fund a clearly defined future vision. His experience in finance and economics will be essential in managing this envisaged funding and also useful in handling some of the problems currently faced with key stakeholders in the quest for development.

Managing the affairs of a multi ethnic state such as Delta state obviously comes with immense challenges as there will arise a clash of interests amongst parties. But really this arises from the adoption of less wholistic approach to governance in such area. 

Edevbie indicated a plan to toll the lines of a medium/long term wholistic developmental master plan bakced by viable legislation and contributed by everyone across all ethnic divides in the state. This idea is quite appealing as policies arising will be for a collective interest that will go long way to help quench the flames of unrest and unsatisfaction anchored on ethnic lines.

His plans for industrialization, infrastructure, ICT, Education, Housing, Health, public sector reforms and women in government speaks of someone with a clear plan that is anchored on fairness and inclusive governance. Expantiating more on the plan to have at least 35% women band 25% youth active in his cabinet is an indication of a willingness to tap into largely overlooked reserves of human resource.

For someone who leverages heavily on his immense wealth of knowledge, Chief Edevbie is sure to place high premium on properly educating Deltans to re position the populace for better personal and collective value. A desire to pay adequate attention to both technical and vocational education has been cited “My vision is to transform lives through education, recognising its essential role as a primary driver of development that will strengthen and deepen our democracy, ensuring leadership accountability and representation along with economic benefits. We will work closely with relevant stakeholders to develop and revise policies and programs to achieve the global sustainable development goals for education 2030. We will focus on access, equity and inclusion, quality, and positive learning outcomes using modern methods and ICT” 

“We shall continue to provide free and compulsory primary and secondary education with appropriate infrastructure. We will recruit teachers where necessary, ensure regular training and retraining, and incentivise them with good emoluments. ICT, skills acquisition and entrepreneurial studies will be incorporated into the curricula to help our youths adapt early to the demands of our fast-changing world” 

Although we do not operate an entirely technocratic system of government, its expedient to have at the helm, people of expertise in fields of endeavor paramount to societal development. Output from these sort of people is at a premium because the logic behind such outputs is most times workable and productive. Chief David Edevbie has proven to himself to be productive part of a team that have shown competence in delivering on a good percentage of the original plans laid out at the beginning, therefore a step forward to head that sort of team as Governor should be as seamless as it is a no brainer. Trust is well placed on his inherent ability to deliver on this plans as it is clearly set to place Delta State on the map as a working democracy for it’s people and Nigeria as a whole.

* Abanum is Senior Special Assistant on Strategic Communication and Documentation to the Governor of Bayelsa State.