
June 9, 2023

Group backs Southern Senate President

Group backs Southern Senate President

The Southern Nigerian Movement And Coalition Of Pro-democracy Organization has rejected any election that will produce a Senate president that is not from the southern part of the country.

The group asserted that it would not be fair and just for only one religion to produce the leadership of all arms and levels of government, in a country, making others become strangers.

This was made known during a press conference addressed in Lagos by the group. Speaking on behalf of the Coalition, the group’s coordinators Olufemi Lawson and Deputy, Comrade Declan Ihekaire, explained that the insistence of Mr Yari a Senator from the Northwest region, to contest a position already zoned by his party, is a direct attempt at ensuring that all the arms of government and the two Chambers of the National Assembly, are headed by Nigerians of same faith, that is, Muslims.

Lawson further said; “Ahead of the inauguration of the tenth National Assembly of Nigeria, we have deemed it imperative, to state our positions as patriots and stakeholders in Nigeria’s Democratic project.

“The June 13, 2023 inauguration of the tenth National Assembly, is one of the significant process, that will climax the full commencement of a new administration in Nigeria. We cannot, but recall, various intrigues, and tensions, that characterised the last general election in the country.

“The issues around the nomination of the Presidential candidate and his running mate by the ruling All progressives Congress APC, was one of those, which created tension around the election.

“The truth remains that we as Nigerians, never had doubt, about the competence of the then-candidate and now President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, but our fear was built around how much the immediate past administration has promoted cultures and policies which divided our country, in an unprecedented manner, along lines of religious bias. The effect of which we are yet to overcome to date.

“Today, there is a renewed attempt, to widen the lines, which Nigerians were anxiously hoping, that the President Bola Tinubu administration, will amend, as the administration progresses.

“We can’t but commend the leadership of the APC, over its decision, to zone the Senate Presidency to the South-south region of the country. It must be emphasized, that the position of the Senate President, also symbolizes the headship of the Second Arm of Government, that is, the legislature.

“The ongoing attempt by a former Governor of Zamfara state and senator-elect, Mr Abdulaziz Yari, to contest the position, in connivance with some elements within the APC and the opposition party, is an insensitive move.

“It is an attempt aimed at leading the country, on the part of a renewed form of protests, which greeted the same faith presidential ticket produced by the party in the last general elections.

“Mr Yari must be told, that our country is not ripe for an all round same faith leadership. With the Executive and Judiciary arms, currently led by Muslims, we believe it is only wise, that we promote National Peace, by ensuring that a Christian Southern, is allowed to head the Legislative arm of the government, as presently constituted.

The insistence of Mr Yari a Senator from the Northwest region, to contest a position already zoned by his party, is a direct attempt at ensuring that all the arms of government and the two Chambers of the National Assembly, are headed by Nigerians of same faith, that is, Muslims.

“This will no doubt, further undermine the efforts of the President Bola Tinubu administration, at promoting National unity and reconciliation, but ultimately validate the position by some disgruntled politicians that there is a deliberate attempt at ensuring that leadership at all levels in Nigeria, is handed over to men of the Islamic faith.

“When you decide that only one religion will produce the leadership of all arms and level of government, in a country, while making others become strangers, it would not be fair and just. For the sake of religious sensitivity harmony in a country like ours, it is only good and wise that we have a balance in the distribution of political positions.

“We have made our position clear, and we are asking Mr Abdulaziz Yari, to immediately shelve his ambition of contesting the position of Senate President.” the statement added.