
March 21, 2024

Killing of soldiers: Troops comb Bayelsa, Delta creeks for militant leader

We’ve not been able to access Okuama due to ongoing military operation — Delta Police

By Emma Amaize, Regional Editor, South-South, Henry Umoru, Sam Oyadongha, Jimitota Onoyume, Luminous Jannamike, Ochuko Akuopha, Davies Iheamnachor, Daniel Abia, & Chancel Sunday

ASABA — Troops of the Nigerian Army yesterday continued the manhunt for the fleeing militant leader, (names withheld) and his gang members, suspected of having carried out the killing of 17 soldiers last Thursday at Okuama community in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State, combing creeks and hideouts across Delta and Bayelsa states.

The militant leader, whose mother hails from Bayelsa State, was reportedly taken to his mother’s ancestral home after she left his father in Delta State.

Soldiers tracked the fleeing militant leader to the riverside town of Igbomorotu in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, during the week, but left the community in pain, as residents had deserted the town after they razed some houses.

Reports said the military might likely extend the search for the fleeing militant leader and his men to Peremabiri, another community in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area.

More destruction in Okuama

In Delta State, the Army siege to the community continued. There was speculation that it might proceed to build a military barracks in the town.

However, there is still conflicting information on the militant leader’s origin as some said he is paternally from the Awawa community, while others said he is Akwagbe, very close to Okuama community.

Detectives have kept him under surveillance since the March 14 killings of the military personnel, seeking information to seize the suspect.

An informed source told Vanguard that his mother from Igbomotoru, took him back to her ancestral home after she parted ways with his father and remarried in her community where he grew up in the backwaters of Igbomotoru.

He is also said to be the founder of a peace group and volunteer force and is also involved in humanitarian work.
He was reported to have renovated the dilapidated home of the late Niger Delta freedom fighter, Isaac Boro, at Kaiama in Kolokuma-Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, and gave N1 million to the Boro family to support his anniversary.

The suspect was described as an ardent disciple of Isaac Boro who always celebrated the late freedom fighter.
While some said he also played a role in stemming crude oil theft in the Bomo axis of the state, others claimed he was into bunkering, claims that could not be independently verified.

But behind the facade of philanthropic work, he is said to also serve as a thug to politicians in the last election in the state.

A resident of Igbomotoru, who pleaded anonymity, told Vanguard yesterday: “We have a burial this weekend, but we cannot go there because of the tense situation in the community. We do not know what to do now as the place is deserted because of military occupation.”

The siege by soldiers is causing panic in Igbomoturu, Peremabiri, and other areas, where some confederates of the wanted militant leader are said to be hiding.

Though it could not be immediately confirmed if the soldiers stormed Peremabiri, a source told one of our reporters that the soldiers were heading to Peremabiri.

“We heard Peremabiri was the next place to be raided, but they (soldiers) had to pause. There is tension in the area,” the source said.

The military is acting on intelligence from captured youths in Okuama that the suspect was allegedly behind the killing of security personnel.

The military, yesterday, continued its activities in Okuama community, sequel to the arrival of three swamp buggies transported on barges from Bomadi axis of River Forcados to the community on Tuesday.

According to our source, who spoke from a neighboring community, the machines have been put to work, and over half of the community has been cleared.

“It is certain that those machines brought to Okuama to ease the task of demolishing and evacuating houses and rubble have been put to work, and almost half the community has been cleared. I am not sure of what they intend to do next when they conclude the demolition exercise,” the source said.

However, there is speculation that the military is planning to build barracks on Okuama community soil, which necessitated a concerted effort in the clearing and evacuation of rubble from the community.

Our source said: “The army will likely build their barracks on Okuama community soil, and that is why they are painstakingly using heavy machines to evacuate everything in the community.

“We heard that very soon, the Chief of Army Staff will come to Okuama to flag off the barracks project,” he said.

Senate joint c’ttee meets service chiefs

Meanwhile, former Senate President, Senator Ahmad Lawan, has called on the the Federal Government to prioritise the issue of security, saying it should take precedence over investment in any other sector of the economy.

Speaking yesterday before the Senate Joint Committee on Defence, Army, Navy and Air Force went into a session with the service chiefs over last thursday’s killing of 17 officers and men of the 181 Amphibious Battalion at Okuama in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta, Lawan, who is the Chairman, Senate Committee on Defence, described the killing of the military personnel as barbaric.

He appealed to Nigerians to support the Armed Forces by volunteering information that could lead to capture and prosecution of those behind insecurity across the country.

The meeting which started at exactly 3:42pm, had in attendance, the Chief of Defence Staff, CDS, General Christopher Musa; Chief of Army Staff, COAS, Lt. General Taoreed Lagbaja; Chief of Air Staff, CAS, Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar; and Chief of Naval Staff, CNS, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla.

Recall that the Senate, during Tuesday’s plenary, mandated the joint committee to investigate the incident.
The upper chamber also urged the Federal Government to ensure that those responsible for the heinous crime were identified, apprehended and brought to justice.

The joint committee is chaired by Senator Ahmad Lawan, who is also Chairman of the Senate Committee on Defence.
Moments before the commencement of the meeting with service chiefs, members of the joint committee observed a minute silence in honour of the 17 military personnel killed at Okuama community last Thursday.

Speaking on the incident, Senator Lawan in a speech delivered at the investigative hearing by the Joint Committee, recalled: “The troops of 181 Amphibious Battalion, on Thursday, March 14, 2024, went on a peace mission to Okuoma community in Delta State.

“An incident occurred, resulting in the loss of a commanding officer, two majors, a captain and 12 soldiers during the peace mission.

“The troops on the peace mission to Okuoma community in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State were surrounded by some community youths, which resulted in the death of officers and men.

“Acknowledging the gravity of the attack on the military personnel, the Senate at its plenary on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, mandated the Joint Committee on Defence, Army, Navy and Airforce to investigate the incident.

“The Senate also urged urged the Federal Government to ensure that those responsible for the heinous crime are identified, apprehended and brought to justice.

“We, in the Senate, and, indeed, the National Assembly, will always support our military in whatever way we can, and the National Assembly has that history. We try to, at all times, make meaningful appropriation for resources to be available.

“We know it has never been enough and, in fact, I will take this opportunity to commend our armed forces for doing so much with the little we can afford.

“The insecurity in our country takes precedence over any other consideration and, therefore, it is the position of the Senate that no investment in any sector can be more important than ensuring that we are secured as a country.

“We, therefore, are very sad as a parliament over this tragic incident. It is our hope in the Senate that those who perpetrated this barbaric and horrific act are captured and the law takes its full course on them.

“I want to appeal to Nigerians that this is our Armed Forces and they cannot secure us without our playing our part. Therefore, every citizen is supposed to support our Armed Forces. Those in the area where this incident happened must volunteer information because this is the only way we can stop something like this from happening in future.”

Killing of soldiers, inhuman, devilish – IYC

Reacting to the killing yesterday, Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, Worldwide, led Dr Alaye Theophilus, described the killing of the 17 soldiers as inhuman and devilish.

Theophilus during a World Press Conference in Port Harcourt condemned the development, noting that no sane man will encourage attack on security operatives.

He, however, urged the military to be more professional in their quest to fish out those who carried out the dastardly act on the security operatives, noting that the sin of few people should not be the reason to bring down the entire community.

Theophilus said: “We as a council condemn in its totality the killing of military personnel on official peace keeping assignment at Okuama community in Delta State. This incident is devilish and inhuman and, therefore, no sane-minded can support such act in any guise.

“We also want to call on the military to please act with all sense of professionalism and responsibility. They should fish out the culprits and bring them to book. They should as well thoroughly investigate the root cause of the matter and not leave any stone unturned.

“We also appeal that the military should remain professional and maintain their rules of engagement as they apply in other parts of the country in fighting criminals. We plead that when moving to fish out the killers that the whole community should not be destroyed because of the action of a few individuals.”

Theophilus also condemned the military’s invasion of a community in Southern Ijaw Local Government area of Bayelsa State, Igbomotoru 2, adding that several persons were feared killed in the attack on the community.

He said the reason for the military action in the area has remained unknown, calling on security chiefs and President Ahmed Tinubu, for urgent intervention to end the military siege on the community.

Theophilus said: “We will also draw your attention to the onslaught going on in one of our Ijaw communities in Bayelsa State, Igbomotoru 2 in Bomo-Ibe Clan which the military invaded in the early hours of Sunday, March 17, 2024.

“They opened fire on innocent men, women and children. They killed over 40 people and still counting, without any form of provocation.

“We are calling on the military to please tell the world what is happening in Igbomotoru 2 and why the killing of innocent Ijaw sons and daughters in such manner. As a council, we condemn what the military is doing in Igbomotoru 2 community.

“What is happening in this community is purely a humanitarian crisis. As we speak, they have held every member of the community hostage as there is no entry or exit to the community. People are now starving to death.”

Delta Assembly condemns killings, calls for thorough investigation

Similarly, the Delta State House of Assembly condemned the killing of trhe soldiers, and called for thorough investigation into the matter.

The House gave the condemnation, following a motion under matter of public importance by the member representing Ughelli South Constituency, Mr. Festus Utuama, where a minute silence was observed in honour of the slain soldiers at plenary.

Utuama, in the motion that was unanimously adopted in a voice vote called by the speaker, Emomotimi Guwor, commiserated with the families of the deceased soldiers and the Nigeria Army.

He called on Governor Sheriff Oborevwori to ask relevant security agencies to investigate, arrest and prosecute all those who carried out the dastardly act.

He urged the governor to constitute a commission of enquiry “to investigate and unravel the immediate and remote cause(s) of the crisis between Okuama community in Ughelli South and Okoloba Community in Bomadi Local Government Areas.

In their contributions, the Deputy Speaker, Arthur Akpowowo, Majority Leader, Emeka Nwaobi, Deputy Majority Leader, Festus Okoh, members representing Ndokwa East and West, Prince Emeka Osamuta and Charles Emetulu, passionately appealed to the military to temper justice with mercy, and not embark on reprisals attacks as a result of the ugly incident.

They advised against executing vengeance on the entire community, but fish out the culprits and allow the law take its course.

The speaker, Emomotimi Guwor, directed that the motion be forwarded to the governor for immediate action.

CDD asks FG to address deteriorating civil-military relations

Reacting to the killing yesterday, the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD-West Africa) called on the authorities to promptly address the deteriorating civil-military relations in various parts of the country.
The CDD also called for thorough and impartial investigations to be conducted to identify and bring the alleged perpetrators to justice, whether rogue citizens or errant military personnel.

In a statement released yesterday, Sa’eed Husaini, the Acting Director of CDD-West Africa, said: “While we condemn the actions of citizens purported to have carried out criminal attacks on the soldiers, we strongly condemn the unprofessional conduct of officers who are alleged to have invaded communities and visited jungle justice on innocent and defenceless residents, including forcing women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities to flee their homes.

“CDD calls for an independent investigation to ascertain the facts and hold all perpetrators on all sides to account.

“While deeply commiserating with the families of the individuals who lost their lives, we call for restraint and the de-escalation of tension in the affected areas. What is required now are efforts to restore peace and ensure all those who took the laws into their hands are brought to justice.

“More importantly, the families of the victims, be they soldiers or civilians, need to be comforted and supported in this time of distress.

“As an institution of the Nigerian state, the military has the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of professionalism in its interactions with Nigerian citizens.

“The disturbing reports of reprisal attacks on communities since the unfortunate incidents occurred, will lead to a further escalation of the situation and needless loss of more lives.

“Such knee-jerk reactions violate the fundamental rights of members of the affected communities in Delta, and Bayelsa States where reports spoke of angry soldiers razing houses in retaliation.

“While we note that the military high command has denied responsibility for these actions, we call on the federal, state and local authorities to work with community leaders to identify those responsible for these heinous crimes, apprehend them and bring them to justice.

“The Nigerian Army with its central role, since independence, of defending the country’s territorial integrity, must not allow criminals to provoke it to undermine the fundamental rights of innocent people.

“CDD West Africa recalls that similar punitive expeditions in Odi and Zaki Biam created more problems, instead of solving them. These ugly precedents led to distrust and animosities between the nation’s security forces and citizens.

“Furthermore, deploying brute force in situations like these aggravates the risk of radicalising communities and provides justification for the formation of hardline groups.

“The example of the Boko Haram insurgency, which escalated partly as a result of the extrajudicial killing of one of the group’s leaders, offers an enduring lesson on how not to manage such conflicts.

“The Nigerian government and the military high command must, therefore, learn the crucial lessons from these past experiences and exercise restraint.

N-Delta host communities condemn killing, wants culprits brought to justice

…Remind warring communities of Odi’s sad experience

Also reacting yesterday, mineral producing communities of the Niger Delta condemned the dastardly act that led to the killing of the 17 military personnel.

The leadership for the community development committees of Niger Delta oil and gas producing areas, CDC, said the communal war between Okuama and Okoloba communities in Bomadi Local government area that resulted in the killing of soldiers from 181 Amphibious Division was unaceptable.

The group said there was no justification for this type of barbaric behaviour of a people against officers and men of the army.

Chairman of CDC’s Board of Trustees, Joseph Ambakaderemo, said in a statement issued in Port Harcourt yesterday: “We cannot allow this ugly incident to continue to happen in our communities.

“The region should not be made to become a hotbed of insecurity. We have enjoyed relative peace and we enjoin all and sundry to key-in to continue to provide the atmosphere of peace and tranquility in our communities. The Niger Delta has pride as the most peaceful in the country and we urge to remain so.

“Peace keepers cannot become targets when trying to maintain peace and provide security to lives and property. The culprits must be fished out and made to pay the highest price.

“Certainly this is the act of criminal elements taking refuge in these communities. Therefore, the leadership in these communities must be held to account untill the actors are found.”

The CDC board of trustees chairman reminded warring communities in Delta and other states in the country to always reflect on what led to the destruction of Odi community in Bayelsa State about 24 years ago by the military.
“We shouldn’t forget so soon that it was a similar incident that happened in Odi community that led to the attack of the community by the military then, as ordered by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, when twelve police officers were gruesomely killed.

“Odi community has not recovered to its full growth since that incident which should be a lesson learned the hard way.

“Furthermore, we urge communities to always find a middle ground in resolving land disputes, rather than taking laws into their hands, thereby encouraging a fertile ground for criminal elements to take undue advantage to cause havoc.”

Urhobo youths urge FG to bring killers to book

In its reaction, the youth wing of Urhobo Progressive Union, UPU, worldwide, called on the Federal Government to ensure that those behind the brutal murder of the soldiers were brought to book, asking also that an independent probe be conducted to unmask the killers.

President of the body, Ughere Blessed and Publicity Secretary, Aboyi Lawson, in a statement, condemned the killings and condoled the families of the soldiers over the painful loss.

“We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen soldiers and stand in solidarity with all well-meaning Nigerians and the brave men and women of our armed forces. Their sacrifices for the security and stability of our nation will forever be remembered and honoured.

“We call upon the Nigerian government to conduct a thorough and professional investigation to ensure that those responsible for this heinous crime are swiftly brought to justice in accordance with the laws of our nation,’’ the group said.