
July 24, 2024

68-yr-old man’s penis amputated after sex toy injury

68-yr-old man's penis amputated after sex toy injury

Credit: MailOnline

Doctors have cut off part of a 68-year-old man’s penis after it developed gangrene due to the erection-boosting sex ring he wore for an entire day.

Medics, who treated the American, were forced to peel away layers of dead tissue in the horrific case. But they found the tip couldn’t be saved and had to be removed.

However, in an apparent world first of its kind, medic used part of the man’s thigh to rebuild parts of his penis.  

The unnamed patient told doctors from the University of California’s Department of Urology that he had worn the ring, which boosts an erection by trapping blood in the genitals for about 24 hours.

Being unable to remove it from his engorged member by hand, he resorted to using pliers to pry it off.

But shockingly he only sought aid from medics a week later after experiencing problems urinating.

Documenting the surgery in the journal Urology Case Reports, medics said at the point of admission the man’s penis was abnormally purple coloured with blistered skin in yellow patches. 

The man, who was homeless, was initially discharged to a nursing facility after having a catheter inserted to help him urinate given his apparent lack of greater harm from his sexual escapade gone wrong.

However, two weeks later he returned after his entire penis had turned black and gangrenous.


Using scalpels and surgical scissors medics painstakingly excised the dead tissue layer by layer, until they found living healthy tissue deep within closer to the core of the member.

However, they found the glans, the medical name for the head of the penis, couldn’t be saved. So they removed it entirely. Medics then dressed the peeled penis to allow it to heal. 

After a week-long recovery, the man underwent another examination and removal of dead tissue before medics turned their attention to penile reconstruction.

They harvested an 8 by 13 cm patch of skin from his right thigh which then grafted onto the peeled core of the patient’s penis. MailOnline

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