
July 8, 2024

Eliminating corruption in Nigeria’s public service and government

Herders/Farmers Crisis

Sen Ekpenyong


Corruption remains one of the most debilitating challenges in Nigeria. Despite numerous efforts to curb this menace, it continues to thrive, undermining the nation’s development. In countries like China, severe penalties, and sometimes including death penalty, are imposed on corrupt officials, serving as a deterrent against graft. The question then arises: why are those alleged to have stolen public funds still walking freely in Nigeria?

Take, for example, the former Minister of Humanitarian Affairs in President Buhari’s administration. She claimed to have fed primary school students during the COVID-19 lockdown when schools were closed. This audacious claim raised eyebrows and highlighted the endemic corruption within the system. Yet, despite the public outcry, no substantial action has been taken against her.

Similarly, the case of the former Accountant General, who was embroiled in a massive corruption scandal involving billions of naira, has seemingly been forgotten. This is a disturbing trend that undermines public trust in the government’s ability to tackle corruption. When high-profile individuals accused of embezzling public funds face no consequences, it sends a message that corruption is tolerated, if not rewarded

To address this menace, we must adopt comprehensive strategies that have proven effective in other nations. By learning from their experiences and tailoring solutions to our unique context, Nigeria can pave the way to a brighter, corruption-free future.

Because Corruption in Nigeria’s public service and government is deeply entrenched, stemming from a combination of weak institutions, lack of accountability, and socio-economic pressures. Tackling it requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses these root causes head-on.

Several countries have successfully reduced corruption through determined efforts and innovative reforms. Let’s explore some notable examples and how their strategies can be applied in Nigeria.

1. Singapore: The Model of Zero Tolerance

Singapore’s transformation from a corruption-ridden state to one of the least corrupt countries in the world is nothing short of remarkable. The key elements of Singapore’s strategy include:

*Strong Legal Framework: Singapore established robust anti-corruption laws, providing a clear legal basis for punishing corrupt practices.

 *Independent Anti-Corruption Agency: The Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, CPIB, operates independently from political influence, ensuring impartial investigations.

*Merit-Based Public Service: Recruitment and promotions in the public sector are based strictly on merit, reducing opportunities for nepotism and favoritism.

– *Adequate Compensation: Competitive salaries for public officials reduce the temptation to engage in corrupt activities.

*Application in Nigeria:

*Legal Reforms: Strengthen anti-corruption laws to close loopholes and ensure strict enforcement.

– *Empower Anti-Corruption Agencies: Grant full autonomy and resources to institutions like the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC.

*Meritocracy in Public Service: Implement transparent and merit-based recruitment and promotion processes.

*Competitive Salaries: Ensure public servants are adequately compensated to reduce economic pressures that lead to corruption.

2. Rwanda: Building a Culture of Accountability

Rwanda’s post-genocide recovery includes a remarkable reduction in corruption, driven by a strong political will and societal commitment to integrity.

 *Leadership Commitment: President Paul Kagame’s administration has shown unwavering commitment to fighting corruption, setting an example from the top.

*Public Accountability Mechanisms: Rwanda employs Imihigo (performance contracts) for government officials, linking their performance directly to their job security and career progression.

 *Community Participation: Citizen engagement in governance through platforms like Umuganda (community work) fosters a collective responsibility for transparency and accountability.

*Application in Nigeria:

*Leadership by Example: Encourage Nigerian leaders to demonstrate commitment to anti-corruption efforts, creating a culture of integrity from the top down.

*Performance Contracts: Implement performance-based evaluation systems for public officials to enhance accountability.

*Citizen Engagement: Foster community involvement in governance and anti-corruption initiatives, promoting a sense of collective responsibility.

3. Georgia: Rapid Reforms and Transparency

Georgia’s rapid anti-corruption reforms transformed its public sector, making it one of the most transparent in Eastern Europe.

*Radical Reforms: Georgia undertook swift and comprehensive reforms, including overhauling the police force and public services.

*Transparency and E-Governance: Implementing e-governance systems minimized human interaction, reducing opportunities for bribery and corruption.

*Public Awareness Campaigns: Continuous public education on the harms of corruption and the benefits of transparency helped shift societal attitudes.

*Application in Nigeria:

**Comprehensive Reforms: Undertake bold and swift reforms in key sectors, including law enforcement and public services.

**E-Governance: Expand the use of technology in government operations to enhance transparency and reduce opportunities for corrupt practices.

**Public Education: Launch sustained awareness campaigns to educate Nigerians on the dangers of corruption and the importance of integrity.

4. China: The Power of Political Will and Accountability

China’s anti-corruption campaign under President Xi Jinping has been one of the most extensive in recent history, targeting high-level officials and grassroots corruption alike.

 *Political Will: The leadership’s determination to root out corruption has been central to the campaign’s success. High-profile cases and the punishment of both high-ranking officials (tigers) and low-level bureaucrats (flies) have demonstrated a serious commitment.

*Institutional Framework: The establishment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, CCDI, to oversee anti-corruption efforts, coupled with the creation of the National Supervisory Commission, has strengthened the institutional framework.

*Strict Enforcement and Severe Penalties: Corrupt officials face severe penalties, including long prison sentences and, in extreme cases, the death penalty.

 *Public Involvement: Encouraging public participation through whistleblower mechanisms has helped expose corrupt activities.

*Application in Nigeria:

**Strong Political Will: Nigerian leadership must unequivocally commit to anti-corruption efforts, demonstrating resolve by targeting high-profile and low-level corruption cases.

 *Institutional Strengthening: Enhance the capabilities of anti-corruption agencies by providing them with the necessary resources and autonomy.

*Strict Enforcement: Implement severe penalties for corrupt practices to serve as a deterrent.

**Whistleblower Protections**: Establish and promote secure channels for citizens to report corruption, ensuring they are protected from retaliation.

Eliminating corruption in Nigeria’s public service and government is an ambitious but achievable goal. By drawing lessons from nations that have successfully curbed corruption and adapting their strategies to our unique context, we can create a more transparent, accountable, and prosperous Nigeria. The journey requires the collective effort of the government, public servants, civil society, and every Nigerian citizen. Together, we can forge a path to a corruption-free future, ensuring a better quality of life for all.

A word is enough for the wise 

•Senator Chris Ekpenyong wrote from Abuja