
July 31, 2024

Ex-Rep, Shina Peller pleads for violence-free protest, cautions security agencies against provocating acts

Ex-Rep, Shina Peller pleads for violence-free protest, cautions security agencies against provocating acts

The Ayedero of Yorubaland, Honourabe Shina Peller, has called on the intending participants of the planned nationwide protest holding on Thursday, August 1, 2024, to uphold the principles of non-violence and maintain the integrity of their cause.

Honourabe Peller stated this in a video and statement posted on his social media platforms and shared with journalists on Wednesday, where he expressed his views on the planned protest and the need for both the government and the protesters to ensure that it is violent-free.

Recognising the deep-rooted dissatisfaction that permeates different communities in the country, Ayedero of Yorubaland emphasized the importance of addressing the issues at hand through constructive means. Drawing on historical examples of impactful protests worldwide, he highlighted the transformative power of collective action in effecting change.

In addition, Honourabe Peller noted that beyond being gatherings of discontent, protests serve as potent assertions of societal values, provide a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and demands for accountability. shining a light on injustices and compelling those in power to listen, particularly in democratic system of government.

Reflecting on past events like the #EndSARS protest, Honourable Peller warned against allowing protests to devolve into chaos and discord. He stressed the need for peaceful dialogue between protesters and the government to ensure that the intended message remains focused and purposeful.

Also, the businessman cum politician acknowledged the efforts of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in addressing public concerns amidst challenging economic circumstances. Furthermore, he charged the government to proactively engage with citizens and address grievances before they escalate to the point of protest.

In his closing remarks, Honourable Peller reiterated the essential role of protests in fostering a robust democracy while advocating for a constructive approach to dissent. He emphasized the need for security personnel to exercise professionalism and restraint during the protest, ensuring a peaceful atmosphere conducive to meaningful dialogue. Together, he called for unity and civil discourse as catalysts for a brighter future where hope and progress flourish.

The statement read in full: “As Nigeria stands at a critical juncture, it’s imperative for us to address the prevalent issues plaguing our society. Tomorrow, on August 1, 2024, a planned nationwide protest is set to take place, eliciting various reactions from the populace. As a leader deeply connected to the grassroots, I feel compelled to share my perspective on this matter.

“The palpable hunger and anger pervasive in our communities are undeniable. An old adage rings true – an hungry man is an angry man. During my interactions with the people, especially those at the grassroots level, their distress is unmistakable. This deep-rooted dissatisfaction underscores the urgency for actionable change.

“Amidst the mixed reactions that the planned protest is attracting, the undebatable truth is that history has shown that protests have been the bedrock of some of the most transformative social movements in the world. These movements have illuminated injustices, held the powerful accountable, and inspired a vision for a brighter future.

“Protests are not merely gatherings of discontent; they are powerful statements that resonate across societies. They demonstrate to those suffering that they are not alone. They hold the potential to ignite essential change, giving a voice to the voiceless and demanding attention to pressing issues.

“Protests serve as a fundamental pillar of democracy, providing a platform for the collective voice of the people to reverberate. I firmly believe in the efficacy of peaceful protests as a mechanism to articulate our grievances and demand accountability from the government. They hold the power to effectuate tangible reforms, expose injustices, and ensure that our leaders remain answerable to the populace.

“Reflecting on the #EndSARS protest from four years ago serves as a poignant reminder of both the potency and perils associated with mass demonstrations. What commenced as a symbol of unity and determination metamorphosed into a scenario marred by elements seeking to sow chaos and discord. It’s crucial to avoid repeating past mistakes.

“Amidst the impending protest, it’s incumbent upon both protesters and the government to engage in dialogue, ensuring that the trajectory remains peaceful.

“The National Orientation Agency (NOA), which has offices in all the 774 local government areas, is one of the very powerful tools that the government can leverage to sensitize and address the people on all burning issues.

“It is time to address the root causes of this discontent. To bring about real change, we must understand and respond to the struggles and aspirations of our people.

“In conclusion, while affirming the indispensable role of protests in advancing our democracy, I advocate for constructive dissent devoid of destructive tendencies. So, to the protesters, it is paramount that we uphold the principles of non-violence and maintain the integrity of our cause.

“And to the security agencies, I urge you to exercise restraint and respect the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly and free speech. Remember, your role is to protect and serve, not to suppress or intimidate. Avoid using excessive force, which can escalate tensions and lead to unnecessary violence. By allowing peaceful protests to unfold without interference, you can help prevent chaos and ensure a safer environment for everyone involved.

“Let us harness the power of unity and civil discourse to propel our nation towards a brighter tomorrow, where peace, justice, and progress abound. Together, let us march resiliently towards a Nigeria we can all proudly call home, embodying the aspirations of a nation where hope reigns supreme.”