
July 1, 2024

Uyi Malaka: A commissioner and a place in history

Uyi Malaka:  A commissioner and  a place  in history

By Osaretyn Asemota-Ero

How time flies, it’s just like yesterday. It was little or no surprise to many persons when her name appeared on the Commissioner’s list last year, for she was seen as eminently qualified for the position.

Uyi Jennifer Oduwa Malaka, PhD., has proven to be an adept Commissioner who earns the respect of her colleagues within the Edo government as well as a loyal member of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party.

Expectedly, her nomination as a Commissioner generated attention both within the State civil service and the media over the  portfolio she would be assigned. She is regarded as someone with a time-tested ability to handle any task given with speed and accuracy.

Though not a stranger within the corridors of power, Uyi Oduwa Malaka’s public service in the State began in the office of the Executive Governor of Edo State as the Governor’s Principal Private Secretary, a pivotal role she played through dedicated commitment.

From there on, Uyi Malaka became Senior Special Assistant on Strategic Planning, Special Adviser on Strategic Planning and Programme Management, and Chairman, Programme Management Office, Governor’s Office until June 14, 2023, when she was formally sworn in as the thirteenth Edo State Commissioner in-charge of Arts, Culture and Tourism.

It will be undeserving of this writer if worthy mentioning is not accorded other past Edo State Commissioners of the Ministry whose impactful times since 1999 set the pathway for the current leadership who has further repositioned the Ministry, creating a new vista in Tourism space in the State.

To many persons who know her within the government space, Uyi Malaka posseses an uncanny ability to work at any assigned task.

On becoming a member of the State Executive Council as Commissioner, the delectable young lady with dashing personality swung into action in a Ministry that is multi-sectoral in form; from the Edo art and culture that are centuries old which are brand elements  that have attracted global attention to the State.

Hon. Uyi Malaka who hails from a culturally endowed indigenous community of Ozalla, Owan West local government area of the State, can be said to have come handy with a foreknowledge of the Arts and culture of Edo. She met a Ministry that was not stagnant but up mobile. She equally knows that much is expected from her Principal, His Excellency, Godwin Obaseki, whom she regularly and gladly refers to as her mentor.

At the onset, a cursory appraisal of the Commissioner revealed a steady continuation of her  predecessors landmark projects.

Looking at the daily routine of this energetic lady, she did not come to the Ministry to discontinue her predecessors’ projects but to continue, emphasizing that, “my time here is not to discontinue what my predecessors have set in motion but to continue to add mine to ensure we all benefit and justify our coming as Commissioners”. That’s quite a humble submission that one year on, the Arts, Culture and Tourism Commissioner has pursued the Ministry’s mandate with vigour.

One year on the saddle, her stewardship in the Ministry has drawn uncommon attention, earning recognitions and awards for the State and herself which have equally translated into a better visibility of the Ministry.

Uyi Oduwa Malaka, a highly brilliant, delectable and lively Commissioner for Arts, Culture and Tourism, has posted  milestone achievements and recognitions which include, the ATQ( Africa Travel Quarterly) Awards to Edo as the Most Active Tourism State in Nigeria 2023 while Uyi Oduwa Malaka was listed among the Top 100 Tourism Personalities in Nigeria 2023 at a special event held in Lagos in May this year.

To the Commissioner, she enthused it was right an assessment done honestly by the ATQ online News Magazine, the awards she described this way, “Honestly, I am amazed at the visionary prowess of the Governor of Edo State. He flows so timely with the tide. He inspires us, the Ministry’s team and pushes for vision and demands results. We are only happy to be there at the right time. I thank my team also.”

Uyi Malaka does her things with the speed of light, very passionate, competent in her work and a good team player. Additionally, she is a creative and critical thinker and strategist who strongly believes that the solutions to a better community and country lie within us and just need a little activation and attention.

So far, the Ministry through the support of a Governor who loves the arts and culture of his people has produced the following in place, the arts and culture policy, a Tourism Master Plan, ensuring that the cultural festivals of various communities across the State are given due attention and promotion, deepening collaborations with both local and international institutions including UNESCO, GIZ, FILMAKADEMIA, IOM among others.

Having breasted one year in office as Commissioner and in the twilight of this present administration, there are certainly no signs that the time tested Economist, Financial Management expert, administrator, social and political mobilizer, strategist, fashionista, wife and mother is tired to  sign out as she still exudes energy as a Tourism Amazon who is counting her gains in public service, finishing well and bringing her Ministry to a pedestal of growth.

 Ero, a broadcast journalist, is of the Media & Publicity Unit, Ministry of Arts, Culture & Tourism, Edo State .