
October 7, 2024

Make peace in Gaza, ex-British boxing champ, Oboh pleads with Biden

Make peace in Gaza, ex-British boxing champ, Oboh pleads with Biden

The ex-Commonwealth and British boxing champion, Peter Oboh, is pleaded with the United States President, Joe Biden, to make peace in Gaza given the lives that have been lost and the destruction wrought by the war.

Oboh made the plea on the one-year anniversary of the Israel-Gaza war.

Recall that the Gaza-based group, Hamas, launched a devastating attack against Israel on October 7, 2023.

They killed about 1,200 people, mostly Israeli civilians, and took many hostage. Since that attack, over 42,000 people, mostly civilians, including women and children. Also, much of Gaza is in ruins, with Palestinians accusing Israel of genocide.

Furthermore, Israel has extended its operations into Lebanon, fighting Hezbollah, and together with attacks exchanged with Iran, the Middle East is on the brink of a full-blown war.

Oboh pleads with Biden

Reacting to the tensions, Oboh said: “Today, October 7, makes it one year of this Israeli-Palestinian war that as expanded to Lebanon and Iran.

“Note this; shall the world rejoice to this? No. Thousands of innocent people, and children, have died. The world is very sad about it.

“Maybe only Benjamin Netanyahu and some very few people are happy. I know for sure that Mr. Netanyahu is not willing to listen to even the United Nations to make peace.

“But I know if the American President, Mr Joe Biden, backs his words of ceasefire with actions, Mr. Netanyahu will listen.

“‘Father is father’ is an old Nigerian local area boys’ slang. It means no matter how stubborn a gang member can be, there is always someone they will give a listening ear to.

“So, I know Mr. Netanyahu will give a listening ear to Mr. Biden on ceasefire if the words are backed up with actions. We all can’t be fooled over that.”