
October 9, 2024

Why security agencies must stop plot to unleash mayhem in Edo

Why security agencies must stop plot to unleash mayhem in Edo

As the end of eight years of Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State as chief tenant at Dennis Osadebey House, Government Reservation Area (GRA), Benin, the seat of government beckons, Comrade Simon Ebegbulem, in this writeup, highlights the myriad of misdeeds perpetrated by the administration and warns on the imperative of putting him on the watchlist.

But for the Immunity Clause therein in our 1999 Constitution (as amended), Mr. Godwin Obaseki, outgoing governor of Edo State, would probably have long had his days at the International Court of Justice (ICC), not in the least, for his administration’s numerous travesties, abuse of democratic processes, trample on the rights of people, including those of return migrants and repatriated persons, in contravention of and as provided for under charters of both the United Nations Organization (UNO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOC), mismanagement of funds and resources among others, thereby sparing the good people of Edo, the long and tortuous years of his forgettable tenures.

Those who drafted the Constitution must doubtlessly have created the Immunity Clause for those applicable to, including state governors, to allow for focus and non-distractions in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities, considering the accepted reality of Nigerians being among the most litigious set of people world over, particularly those of the political class.

Having nearly exhausted his days as one of those shielded from prosecution under the well-meaning provisions of the Immunity Clause, as is, Obaseki, true to type has now turned his gaze towards escaping the misdeeds of his administration in the past eight years.

Reliable information has it that several options are being tabled within their fold, on ways, approaches and manners they should go, to evade the sure embarrassment staring Obaseki in the face.

One of Obaseki’s inner caucus members, who parted ways with him during the build-up to the September 21, off-season governorship election in the state, informed that they were closely monitoring the development between the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and a former governor in one of the North Central states, in their projections, adding that it was the overriding factor in Obaseki’s insistence of planting Asuen Ighodalo, as successor, else he went for broke or nothing at all. Some of the other options on the table include recreating instability and the unleashing of chaos if only to divert attention away from his tenure and to evade paying for known sins of the eclipsing Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) administration in Edo.

Obaseki’s eight years reign in Edo State being as tumultuous as any, witnessed and recorded unprecedented letdowns, considering the eroding of successes attained by the preceding administration under Senator Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole, who during his two-term tenures, performed near wonders, bringing monumental human, physical and economic development to all segments across the three Senatorial Districts, all of which were highly reviewed and applauded far and near.

Aside from misgivings expressed by core Oshiomhole loyalists to the effect that his anointed was not what he presented of himself, and being undeserving of his endorsement, Obaseki on assumption of office, went straight for the jugular and by the end of his first tenure, had managed to put asunder and into disarray, all the good things bequeathed, including the party ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) under which platform he was elected, plus its structure, in near tatters. Little did the people realize that Obaseki was only warming up for a final onslaught on the entire strata of the emerging economic hub and fast-developing state he inherited. “It is his DNA”, said another of his former ‘inner kitchen’ members, who similarly parted ways with him.

Hoodwinking the people with gimmicks and fraudulent non-performing MoUs, Governor Godwin Obaseki went about building projects in the sky while at the same time promising the people the moon.

The Gelegele seaport project for example, and according to Obaseki, was to be a game changer for the state. Not a few believed him, but at the end of it all, what can be asserted is the change of guard or its mutation, with the wisening up of the Edo electorate, who roundly rejected him and his candidate at the poll. With their ballot of course, by massively voting for Senator Monday Okpebolo of the opposition APC, whose ideals resonate with them.

Space will not allow going into the desecration meted on infrastructural development in Edo under his watch, including the Greater Benin Water Storm Project or the multi-billion ultra-modern Benin Central Hospital project, all of which out of envy, jealousy, little mindedness and inherent ‘bring him down syndrome’, he made to frustrate, stymie or outrightly abrogate.

In the battle against the people of the state and fisticuffs with democratic norms, Obaseki will go down in Edo history as the governor who gravel-filled the entrance of the Anthony Enahoro state Assembly complex, simply to ensure that elected lawmakers were barred from discharging their responsibilities. This, he ensured for the entire duration of his first term in office, just as he went about superintending the state under questionable laws, including assenting to and passage into law of fiscal budgets, year upon year.

Recounting one of their ordeals, a former Senior Special Assistant to Governor Godwin Obaseki, who was among those who hailed Senator Monday Okpebolo’s victory at the poll, urged the incoming administration to probe Obaseki’s government over an alleged three million Euros, meant for the rehabilitation of Libyan returnees.

According to him, the said money was handed over to the state government by the European Union (EU).
He alleged that the said money was to provide shelter and other stipends for about 6,500 Libya returnees, but was “diverted, using cronies and nothing was done for them. And, that is why today, they are all stranded while many have returned back to Europe or Libya.”

He went on to describe Okpebolo’s victory as being for all Edo people, particularly the returnees.

He added: “Almighty God deliberately wanted to punish the current Obaseki-led government for its wickedness to returnees and other indigenes of Edo state. The factors that led to his defeat were wickedness and highhandedness, unforgiven spirit and vendetta. He is very deceptive. For example they went to Europe to appeal to the European Union to get a grant to enable them return migrants to Edo state.

“And because they wanted to end the illegal trips to Europe by migrants through Libya, they gave the government over three million Euros. They were supposed to use the money to provide skills for the returnees but never did. They came up with another promise that they were going to give returnees in Edo State, N100 million and 150 hectares of land, but till today nothing happened. Then they came out again with another trick that they were going to give returnees stipends of N20,000 monthly. They paid for just two months.

‘’The day they launched the N20,000 stipend, they invited CNN and other international media to celebrate it, but shortly after the event they never did anything. They got that grant from UNODC, British Council, Italian Government through the Italian Ministry of Interior. These people were funding Edo State government to curb migration from Edo, but they hijacked the money and the project. Till today returnees were not given a dime. The shelters they built for them, the same state government converted it to something else.

“We thank God Okpebholo has come. We have more than 6,500 returnees; no one has been empowered. I thank God Edo people paid them back by voting them out. Okpebholo from his background is Godsent.

“The way he addresses issues and relates to people, you will never see arrogance in him. That is why the entire returnees protested against him (Obaseki) and voted Okpebholo. We are now appealing to Senator Okpebholo to probe that money. I have details of all the money. They cannot eat the money meant for poor people and get away with it.”

He was to further make a move, deservedly dead on arrival, to balkanize the Benin Kingdom into clusters of Chiefdoms, the temerity of which was outrightly rejected by the Binis who over the centuries have stood by and firm behind the Benin Royal Palace.

Now that his days of Immunity are running out, Governor Obaseki is said to be running from pillar to post, dusting the books on methods and options for him in outwitting law enforcement agencies with the aim of outwitting them all and wriggle his way out of deserved retributions.

“He is scared stiff,” said another close associate, who pleaded anonymity.

Another source hinted that soon-to-be ex-governor Obaseki has begun to train his sight on unfolding events in Rivers State, hoping to see how the chaos and disregard for the judiciary are being navigated, employed, and put to use in the state.

It is on this note that all law enforcement agencies should be on the alert and ready, bearing in mind the mindset of Obaseki, lest he begins to fancy himself as a near-not, after exit from office.

Ebegbulem wrote in from Benin