Soul Kate

Leaving your mark

When babies are born, there is joy in the home and in the lives of the parents. Expectations are high and everyone prays that their child will grow up to be great and leave their mark in their generation.
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Vehicular and two wheeler madness in Lagos

Driving to and fro from my different locations for the past one week and I pondered why some people who drive( be it drivers or the car owner) behave like mad people who have no idea of what it takes to be on the road.

And the Camel’s back broke

I woke up on Sunday morning and as I performed my morning rituals, I contemplated my country, Nigeria and the attendant hardships that face the common man. I looked in the mirror as I brushed my teeth with water I bought from the store as I cannot drink my tap water and wondered what next lay in store for us. We face an onslaught of negative policies that make us groan more from the weight of the load.

Airborne tales

Okada Air, Sosoliso Air line, Kabo Air, ADC Airlines, Bellview Airlines, Nigerian Airways; these were just a few of our local carriers in years past.

Independence blues

Here we go again, another October 1st… . It brings to the fore our yearnings for a nation worth its salt, blessed with abundant human and natural resources to re-assess itself and see if it is where it should be. Well are we? Methinks not! It is not about declaring a public holiday; it is about the next step, where do we go from here?

Love Thy Neighbour….

Who are the people in your neighbourhood? They are the people that we meet when we are walking down the street; they are the people that we meet each day.

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