Vista Woman

Ending militarism in the home

As men, we own the house with its entire property, including our wives. If women shouldn’t be our properties then why are we asked to pay so much to take them from their parents? Beating your wife is not violence, so, the world should stop putting it that way. Women ask for too much and sometimes have to be dealt with to be called to order! My wife is my property and I have every right over her; after all, didn’t I buy her with my money? Sometimes you hear people say husbands rape their wives, but how possible is that? Is the man not supposed to have right over his wife? Anyway, if my wife dares to deny me sex then it means she has given me a clean license to go out and enjoy myself!”
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Most children with Autism are exceptionally skilled – Bolanle Adewole

Her regular Montessori school, The Learning Place, Lekki, had been in existence for six years when two years ago, she decided to include a special unit, The Learning Place Centre. Mrs.Bolanle Adewole, The Director of TLP, who was impressed by the tremendous changes she was able to bring to the life of her eight year old autistic son, knew it was best to help other parents replicate such in their autistic children as well as children with other developmental disorders. In this interview, Mrs.Adewole who is also a member of the Parents Against Autism Initiative, speaks on her work with children, her style of helping children with autism, among sundry issues.

Lagos traffic law should be fine-tuned for effectiveness

If you live in a big and busy city like Lagos, the word ‘traffic’ is of so great importance to you, that it’s in your thoughts as you plan your day. The state of the traffic in Lagos, to a large extent, rules our lives and determines the sort of day – good or bad – that we will have.

Every girl should have a second vocation to fall back on – Mrs Akinlebi

Mrs Taiwo Akinlebi is a multi-talented lady in her fifties, who believes that girls shouldn’t rely solely on educational qualifications for a career or a means of livelihood. Even though she dropped out of secondary school when she couldn’t cope any longer, she embraced fashion-designing and began to earn a good living. Later she added beads-making, which she learnt from her mother.

Re: Determined women making waves

This topic attracted reactions from more women than usual, so, it must be something that touched the core of their being. Usually, we have more men writing in to express their views on issues. This time around I was glad that many women wrote in.

State police here? Are we mature enough for that?

Early, the other Friday, a relation sent some novels to me through her middle-aged driver, who had been working for her and the husband for some time, and was deemed an honest and responsible person. While acknowledging receipt of the novels, I told my relation that she was lucky to have such a sober driver.

Serving as Rotary president opened my eyes to poverty level in Nigeria – Kefe

Mrs. Kefe Adedibu is the immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Satellite Town, Lagos. In a chat with Vista Woman recently, she recounted her experiences as a club president, including how she had to juggle the task with her business and family life. A graduate of English from Delta State University, Kefe operates an event management company known as APHEM Solutions. Enjoy!!

Re: Free import duties on machinery

One of the most distressing things in life is the state of being unemployed, and not being in a position to have a means of livelihood. We may well accuse the present generation of being lazy, laid-back, and wanting a life of luxury without their having to lift a finger to work, but at the same time, we should ask ourselves what we’re doing to empower the ones who are disadvantaged.

Government should increase budgetary allocation to education – Eugenia George

Mrs Eugenia Olubusola George, is an educationist who based in Atlanta Georgia. She is the president and founder of Higher Height Solutions, a consulting company, as well as the president, Nigerian Women Association of Georgia. Georgia who believes her mission on earth is to serve humanity, is also a member of the Eko Club International.

NATIONAL DEVT: Why we must invest in women, children – Women Affairs Minister

For decades, she has championed women causes, either as an activist, gender advocate, community mobilize or as a politician. Her in-depth knowledge on women development and gender equity issues were further manifested when she served as the National President of the National Council of Women’s Societies and recently, as the Director of Women Mobilization of the Goodluck/Sambo Campaign Organization.


It was a Saturday morning, and we had barely begun our meeting at Mrs. X’s house, when the strident voice of a young girl rent the air. “No! No! Leave me alone! Leave me alone.” she screamed. “Leave me alone, you hear? Ooooooooh! I say, leave me alone. Oh no!”

Educational system here lacks application of knowledge – Adeola Oduyemi

Adeola Hollway Oduyemi is the founder and Executive Director of IHH Educational Consultant, a Training Company based in Ontario Canada. She is an educationist and instructor who specialises in early childhood development. She is also a therapist and member of a Multi-disciplinary team of Applied Behavior Analysts (ABA).

Re: Teach earning & budgetting

Money issues are always serious issues, anywhere, anytime. There’s precious little that you can do without money. We may well talk of the great divide between the rich and the poor, which in the past has led to revolutions in some nations, and is still causing great distress in countries around the world, but a lack of good management of funds is what is pulling down the economy of several Eurozone countries right now and making them fall like a pack of cards, e.g. Greece, while Spain, Italy and a few others are on the brink, we’re told.

Educational standard will improve if we accept our responsibilities – Prof Omoegun

Prof. (Mrs) Mopelola Omoegun is the newly elected Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Lagos. A zealous educationist who began her profession as a primary school teacher, Prof.Omoegun rose from her humble beginning by virtue of her hardwork and ardent desire to be a success. She served as a Head of Department from 2004 to 2006 at the Faculty, and has also served as Chairman of the University of Lagos Counseling Centre Management Committee.

Determined women who are making waves

It’s always a joy to hear of women who are dogged in the pursuit of their ambition. Women who don’t allow culture or the usual societal concept of what a woman has been assigned by nature to be in life, discourage them from what they desire to be, or, what they want to do with their lives.

Re: Nigeria’s increasing population

How the times are changing! I never thought that there would come a time in my country when citizens would not want to have many children, to the point that many young couples now opt to have just two children, or three at most. What’s more, these young people, at least, those I spoke to on the issue, are not bothered whether they have all boys or all girls. This is quite a departure from the usual craving for a male child by most families. So, why are young people now rooting for a small family?

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