
Beggars in Limousines arriving at UNGA

Beggars in Limousines arriving at UNGA

By Dele Sobowale “A man cannot gradually enlarge his mind as he does his house.” – Alexis de Tocquiville, 1805-1859”. African leaders also cannot gradually enlarge their minds just as they expand their appetites for self-enrichment and waste of public funds. If you are still wondering why Africa, especially the sub-Sahara part of it, has been underdeveloped […]
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A salad bowl of intellectual garbage (3)

A salad bowl of intellectual garbage (3)

IF, as believers argue, Lucifer has the power to deceive people, it is possible that the evil one would deceive them into accepting as the will of God something which Lucifer himself actually intended. Most believers dogmatically maintain that God’s will is embodied in the scripture. But which one? Generally, people accept the book considered sacred in the society in which they were born, and out of that book they select the parts that suit their purposes, neglecting the others.

On a lighter note

On a lighter note

I WOKE up to the ear piercing scream of a petrified actress and my 20 minute doze on a local flight from the nation’s capital back to Lagos was severed rather abruptly. Before I could get my bearing and fully wake up, my stomach churned as it seemed to drop in that sickening manner that feels like your intestines are falling out when a rollercoaster takes what seems like a death plunge towards the ground at break neck speed.

Road officials and the governor’s good works

Road officials and the governor’s good works

IT was the evening rush-back-home hour on the Oshodi/Apapa express way, with passengers waiting anxiously for transport. Lagos State road officials were very visible on the road as they usually are at rush hour in those parts.

How the PDP created the militants

How the PDP created the militants

Of course everyone knows I worked for the PDP in the first and second coming of the party in Rivers State. There is no one who does not know that I was used to get votes for the party.

If only we can tell the truth

If only we can tell the truth

Women! come on now? I read all you had to say. I do not disagree with you all. I am so much behind you but we must be able to tell the truth to one another. The reason why too many people miss it is because they get the wrong advice and wrong counsel. No one stands for the truth any more. That is why we all thank God for ‘Woman to women”. All I am saying is that let us all stop the unnecessary fighting that is going on all over.

What’s it about June 12?

What’s it about June 12?

It’s almost a month since we celebrated June 12 as the watershed in Nigeria quest for democracy.
But beyond the shore of Nigeria, June 12 is beginning to have a similar significance for democracy especially in Iran and Turkey. June 12, 1993 was the day we celebrate the victory of a free and fair election in Nigeria as much as we mourn the tragedy of the abortion of that free and fair election.

A call to common sense

A call to common sense

Some people now say what is going on in the Niger Delta is NOT war. They say it out, loud and clear. It sent me post haste to the meaning of war as described in the dictionary: “armed fighting between states, countries, or factions.”

Tribute to Auntie Chinyere

Tribute to Auntie Chinyere

By Donu Kogbara VERY few of the people around us have significant impacts on our lives. And I want to pay a brief but heartfelt tribute to my beloved auntie, Chief Mrs Chinyere Asika, who recently celebrated her 70th birthday and is not only one of the most intellectual and accomplished women of her generation […]

Rescuing Israel from its leaders

Rescuing Israel from its leaders

By Owei Lakemfa THE on-going disagreements between Israel and its principal backer, the United States seem a trifle. The Palestinians are squeezed mainly into two small settlements;  the Gaza Strip and the West Bank .  Yet Israel continues to nibble parts of the West Bank by building settlements. America’s request delivered by Secretary of State, […]

Calls on June 20 match

Calls on June 20 match

By Onochie Anibeze It’s been interesting trying to analyse the reactions of Nigerians after the goalless draw with Tunisia on June 20.

Will Ohakim return to roost?

Will Ohakim return to roost?

One of the questions thrown at him was whether he was about to return to his original political party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as widely rumoured, or had he decided to stay with his adopted party, the Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA).

Below the belt(5)

Below the belt(5)

He confessed that Shade was quite familiar with some members of his family since she lives in Kano where his parents are and visits the family house when he goes home. Henry and I are both from Imo state. He told me that they could not decide for him whom to marry and I should keep my mind off it since he is the one to decide.

Justice, not theories

Justice, not theories

The new leadership has moved to reduce the government’s role in the economy and to promote private sector investment and competition Oddly enough but not surprisingly, improvement to the country’s economy in recent years have been attributed to this rather than their Apartheid past.

To be led by the blind

To be led by the blind

His second qualification is that he served as a commissioner under late Chief Bola Ige in the old Oyo State. But being a graduate was not a prerequisite for that appointment. In fact one of his colleagues in the cabinet, Busari Adelakun “Eruobodo” might not even have completed his primary school education.